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Minutes of Meeting
Held on Monday 9 th December 2013

Fiona Steeds    Martin Horner   Chris Rispin    Hilary Rogers   Angelo Sauro
            Hazel Bleaken     Neil Fozard     Bill Cullen     Kate Bashford    Pete & Sue Webb
            Sam Allen   Pat Sherry
1. Apologies
            Lorraine Rutter    Sue Hope    

2. Previous Minutes
These were signed as a true record.

3. Matters Arising
Bank Documents –
Wall – HB has asked builders to email quotes to AS – nothing so far.
Floor – the cleaner is finding the new floor difficult to clean.  She is using the squeegee mop recommended by the supplier.  AS is looking at other options such as a microfibre brush. CR suggested putting up cleaning instructions for Hall users in case of spillages.  The small cupboard in the hall needs to be cleared out.  AS proposed  a general Spring Clean next year.
Hall Pricing –  BC proposed an increase of 10-15% to be voted on at the next AGM.   He prepared a statement for the Parish Mag explaining the reasons for the increase.  He will finalise this for the next meeting.  
Boiler – this has been fitted along with a new pump and seems to be working efficiently.  One grant of £3000 has been received but the other half will not be released by SGC until we present a paid invoice.  The committee agreed that, if necessary, BC could transfer money from the Skatepark account to cover the shortfall and pay it back once the grant is received.  This had also been agreed by DA at the previous meeting.
Bin – New SITA bin is in situ.  Direct Debit being set up.
Gaming Licence – BC is looking into what this covers us for.
HURG – it has been agreed that SGC will create a hard surface track and drain to the composting area.  It has been marked out and will be done in January.  The area under the kitchen window is not included.

4. Parish Council Report
Nothing to report since last month.  PW asked HB about street lighting being switched off early.  She replied that it was probably due to the clocks changing in October.

5. Play Area Report
No Report due this month.  DA has not yet passed on the name of the new rep.  

6. Grants Sub Committee Report
reported that the Quartet application was unsuccessful because we had already started work on the boiler.  KB hopes to hear within a week if we are successful with the grant for the new kitchen.  They will meet again early next year.  We have received one quote for the canopy.

These are items which will be put on hold until funds are available:
Resurface Car Park; New Grid & Soakaway; New Kitchen; Canopy for Disabled Entrance; Stage Curtain Tabs; New Wall; Projector; PA System + Amp

7. Treasurer’s Report
’s report was discussed at the meeting and is attached.  PW thanked him for his continued work in improving the layout of the report.

8. Hall Bookings

We have no bookings in December but quite a few for the first few months of 2014.

9. Emergency Lighting/Fire Bells/Extinguishers & Meter Readings
carried out checks – a couple of bulbs need replacing.  AS/CR will sort.  Downpipe is missing.
CR did meter readings:  Electricity 266342;   Oil  43";   Water 1345-162
10. Correspondence

11. Any Other Business
advised that the Murder Mystery will be held on 22/3/14.  Tickets will be £15. It was agreed that Drama can use the upstairs room free of charge for rehearsals as this is a fundraiser for the Hall.  She asked for help with bar and kitchen – to be discussed at the next meeting.

asked if she could borrow a table a some chairs over Christmas.  This was agreed.

CR  suggested a breakfast "St Davids Day" fundraiser which is confirmed for the 2 nd of March.

11. Date of next meeting
The date of the next meeting will be Monday 13 th January 2013 at 7.45pm.  

There being no further business the meeting was closed at 9.50pm.

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