Feb 13 - Hawkesbury Upton Village Hall - Hire for Weddings, Parties, Stage for Live music

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Hospital Hall Play Facilities Sub-Committee

8.30pm 28 th Feb 2013 @ Village Hall

Attendees: Sue Hope, Mark Frankcom, Chris Webb, Vicky Pember,
Apologies: Dave Anderson, Chris Rispin

In attendance: Mr D Williams, Mr C Nicholls,

Minutes of 150113

Points raised by attendees:
The meeting was attended my Mr D Williams and Mr C Nicholls. They reported that there had been an incident at the park involving bad language directed at a Hawkesbury boy, Mr Williams’ son. The matter had been resolved directly by Mr Nicholls, who having been informed by Mr Williams, asked his own son if he could identify the culprit. Mr Nicholls challenged the boy, who expressed deep regret, and was keen to offer an apology directly to Mr Williams’ son.
Separately an email has been circulated which both Mr Williams and Mr Nicholls believe was not requested and does not properly represent the events, and unnecessarily mentions Mr Nicholls’ son in association with the culprit.
Mr Williams strongly reported that the matter had already been very satisfactorily resolved by direct action, and wanted to express his thanks and support to Mr Nicholls and his son for their support and intervention.

Ground Reinstatement & Site Visit by 1Skateparks

The committee noted the comments and report by D Ransom from 1Skateparks. They were particularly pleased with the speedy reparations made to the boards enclosing the half pipe.
With the weather drying out, it was clear that the ground is settling, and the park itself is drier and less muddy. Sue proposed that we have a yard broom by the park for the young people to use to sweep the surface.
Action: Mark to purchase a yard broom.

Park Behaviour

The skate park has succeeded in attracting older children to use the facilities, including secondary school children from outside of the village. The committee are already committed to attending the park on a regular basis, and to promoting the presence of adults and parents at the park. This will be important as usage increases with longer evenings and drier weather. Parents should be aware of the variety of park users when their children go to the park to play.
Play park maintenance and painting

Due to low availability for the suggested weekends, and the imminent Easter holidays, it was agreed to use a web based schedule organiser (Doodle) to arrange a new date.
Action: Mark to set-up link

Launch event

This is scheduled for April 20 th
We agreed to ask 1skateparks for a plan of the event, so we can tie down timings and arrange marketing.
We agreed we would only need use of the hall for toilets, and that the hall could be booked and prepared for a party that evening.
Action: Dave to ask 1skateparks for a plan of the event.

Other Correspondence


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