Feb 15 - Hawkesbury Upton Village Hall - Hire for Weddings, Parties, Stage for Live music

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Minutes of Meeting held on Monday 9 th February 2015

Angelo Sauro     Fiona Steeds    Martin Horner    Chris Rispin    Sue Hope   
Bryan Robinson    Sam Allen      Bill Cullen     Pat Sherry    Neil Fozard  
Sue & Pete Webb     Alan & Liz Hemingway  

1. Apologies    
Kate Bashford    Steve McGrath   Hilary Rogers    Jane Stanbridge   Alex Powell
   2. Previous Minutes
The Minutes were signed as a true record.

Chris Rispin was elected as Chairman, proposed by Fiona Steeds and seconded by Pete Webb.

3. Matters Arising
Deed Documents –  
ongoing.  BR was asked to request that the Parish Council continue to pursue this as a matter of urgency.
Licence – Alex Powell still intends to become a licensee.
Light Bulbs –  AS/NF to finish replacing these – the bar still has to be done.
Dog Sign – BR will email the correct wording to CR.
Easyfundraising – some people are still having problems using this.
TreesNF to look into cost of trimming the trees at the front.
Water Softener – ongoing.  SA to let CR have details of the system she uses.
Pay Phone – the line is no longer in use. AS/NF to remove the phone.
PA System – a meeting was held with the installer but specification has changed.  BR presented a cheque for £250 from Parish Council in response to a grant request from the Committee.   The Committee thanked PC for this.  AH asked if the Committee will be prepared to include the equipment on our insurance – this was agreed.
Hall Breakfast – confirmed for 29 th March.  Arrangements to be finalised at next meeting.  AS will pass on the lists.  Several Committee members volunteered  to help but FS to email everyone and ask who is available.  
CCTV - £200 has been donated towards this.  We also have £190 from Easyfundraising.  SA said Writers’ Group may be prepared to donate if we apply.  FS to contact Jenny Harris.  NF passed details of a system from Screwfix to AS which costs £200.  BR suggested we tell the Insurance Company when we have CCTV.

4. Parish Council Report
The annual assembly will be held on 20 th April.  BR offered to present the Annual Committee report at that meeting.  The annual village spring clean will be at 10am on Sunday  22 nd March.  BR asked if we can clean the Hall area.  
Someone has reported that the Hall Calendar is not always up to date.  BC said that bookings are always put on when we get them but will check.  PC are reviewing Risk Assessment.  CR will look at ours and ask SM to help with Skatepark.   BR also offered to help.  

5. Play Area/Skatepark Report
No report due this month.  Meeting to be on 17/2.     

6. Grants Sub Committee

Kitchen - SH suggested we look at Horton Hall’s new kitchen.  She will send details to CR who will get an update from KB.  We need someone who can Minutes of Meeting held on Monday 9 th February 2015

Angelo Sauro     Fiona Steeds    Martin Horner    Chris Rispin    Sue Hope   
Bryan Robinson    Sam Allen      Bill Cullen     Pat Sherry    Neil Fozard  
Sue & Pete Webb     Alan & Liz Hemingway  

1. Apologies    
Kate Bashford    Steve McGrath   Hilary Rogers    Jane Stanbridge   Alex Powell
   2. Previous Minutes
The Minutes were signed as a true record.

Chris Rispin was elected as Chairman, proposed by Fiona Steeds and seconded by Pete Webb.

3. Matters Arising
Deed Documents –  
ongoing.  BR was asked to request that the Parish Council continue to pursue this as a matter of urgency.
Licence – Alex Powell still intends to become a licensee.
Light Bulbs –  AS/NF to finish replacing these – the bar still has to be done.
Dog Sign – BR will email the correct wording to CR.
Easyfundraising – some people are still having problems using this.
TreesNF to look into cost of trimming the trees at the front.
Water Softener – ongoing.  SA to let CR have details of the system she uses.
Pay Phone – the line is no longer in use. AS/NF to remove the phone.
PA System – a meeting was held with the installer but specification has changed.  BR presented a cheque for £250 from Parish Council in response to a grant request from the Committee.   The Committee thanked PC for this.  AH asked if the Committee will be prepared to include the equipment on our insurance – this was agreed.
Hall Breakfast – confirmed for 29 th March.  Arrangements to be finalised at next meeting.  AS will pass on the lists.  Several Committee members volunteered  to help but FS to email everyone and ask who is available.  
CCTV - £200 has been donated towards this.  We also have £190 from Easyfundraising.  SA said Writers’ Group may be prepared to donate if we apply.  FS to contact Jenny Harris.  NF passed details of a system from Screwfix to AS which costs £200.  BR suggested we tell the Insurance Company when we have CCTV.

4. Parish Council Report
The annual assembly will be held on 20 th April.  BR offered to present the Annual Committee report at that meeting.  The annual village spring clean will be at 10am on Sunday  22 nd March.  BR asked if we can clean the Hall area.  
Someone has reported that the Hall Calendar is not always up to date.  BC said that bookings are always put on when we get them but will check.  PC are reviewing Risk Assessment.  CR will look at ours and ask SM to help with Skatepark.   BR also offered to help.  

5. Play Area/Skatepark Report
No report due this month.  Meeting to be on 17/2.     

6. Grants Sub Committee
Kitchen - SH
suggested we look at Horton Hall’s new kitchen.  She will send details to CR who will get an update from KB.  We need someone who can project manage to co-ordinate the design. BR asked if the grant money would be available in advance.  SH thinks this is the case.
Wall – AS has not heard from the contractor so he has asked Sid Green to quote using limestone mortar.  SH thinks Conservation may have be to be involved.  
SH also asked if we have quotes for the Car Park and Projector.  Committee to discuss at next meeting if we want to be responsible for managing the hiring out of a Projector.

These are items which will be put on hold until funds are available:
Resurface Car Park;  Disabled Canopy;  Water Softener

7. Treasurer’s Report
The report was distributed and discussed.  Cost of contract with PHS to clean the doormat is expensive – this to be looked at in Risk Assessment.

8. Hall Bookings
We have bookings most weekends for the first few months of 2015.  AS will continue to organise the bar.  He advised that we had a booking which should have been cancelled but wasn’t. BC to retain deposit (if one was paid).

9. Emergency Lighting/Fire Bells/Extinguishers & Meter Readings
CR to carry out checks/readings next week.

10. Correspondence
Request from Mike Gardener to pay annually  for parking in Hall.  Committee are happy to grant this but make sure we agree conditions.  CR to draft a reply.  FS to find out if we should be receiving payment for parking from other people.

11. Any Other Business
is attending a meeting on 18/2 re closure of Composting site.  She asked if the Committee would like her to raise anything.  Main concerns are banners announcing the closure and the ground to be made good.  Committee members are welcome to attend the meeting.
SA asked for guidance when she does defibrillator check.  CR will assist.
SH confirmed that recycling banks in car park will be removed soon.
NF/SH are going to the defibrillator demo in Acton Turville and asked if anyone else is interested.

11. Date of next meeting
The date of the next meeting will be Monday 10 th March 2015 at 7.45pm.

There being no further business the meeting was closed at 9.30pm.
project manage to co-ordinate the design. BR asked if the grant money would be available in advance.  SH thinks this is the case.
Wall – AS has not heard from the contractor so he has asked Sid Green to quote using limestone mortar.  SH thinks Conservation may have be to be involved.  
SH also asked if we have quotes for the Car Park and Projector.  Committee to discuss at next meeting if we want to be responsible for managing the hiring out of a Projector.

These are items which will be put on hold until funds are available:
Resurface Car Park;  Disabled Canopy;  Water Softener

7. Treasurer’s Report
The report was distributed and discussed.  Cost of contract with PHS to clean the doormat is expensive – this to be looked at in Risk Assessment.

8. Hall Bookings
We have bookings most weekends for the first few months of 2015.  AS will continue to organise the bar.  He advised that we had a booking which should have been cancelled but wasn’t. BC to retain deposit (if one was paid).

9. Emergency Lighting/Fire Bells/Extinguishers & Meter Readings
CR to carry out checks/readings next week.

10. Correspondence
Request from Mike Gardener to pay annually  for parking in Hall.  Committee are happy to grant this but make sure we agree conditions.  CR to draft a reply.  FS to find out if we should be receiving payment for parking from other people.

11. Any Other Business
is attending a meeting on 18/2 re closure of Composting site.  She asked if the Committee would like her to raise anything.  Main concerns are banners announcing the closure and the ground to be made good.  Committee members are welcome to attend the meeting.
SA asked for guidance when she does defibrillator check.  CR will assist.
SH confirmed that recycling banks in car park will be removed soon.
NF/SH are going to the defibrillator demo in Acton Turville and asked if anyone else is interested.

11. Date of next meeting
The date of the next meeting will be Monday 10 th March 2015 at 7.45pm.

There being no further business the meeting was closed at 9.30pm.

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