Jun 15 - Hawkesbury Upton Village Hall - Hire for Weddings, Parties, Stage for Live music

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Minutes of Meeting held on Monday 8
th June 2015

Bryan Robinson Angelo Sauro Steve Magrath Pat Sherry Sam Allen Bill Cullen Martin Horner Hilary Rogers Andy Musty Kate Bashford
1. Apologies for Absence

Neil Fozard Lorraine Rutter Sue Hope Fiona Steeds Debbie Young Pete and Sue Webb Chris Rispin
2. Minutes of the Last Meeting Were agreed as a true record and signed by the Chair

3. Projects
 Front Wall & Trees – Both have been completed and paid for, Bill is now waiting for grant money to be paid to us.
 Kitchen – Kate had previously sent out a list of three questions that have been raised by the current two companies that are quoting for the work and involving:
1. Electrician
o Agreed that contractor can use their own
2. Fire Alarm/Extinguisher
o Agreed that these could be raised in height by 6”
3. Fridge/Freezer
o Suggestion that under counter to be installed in servery and existing large stainless fridge to be moved to chair store.
4. Lockable Cupboards
o Agreed with suggestion that if groups wanted a lockable cupboard then they can pay for one.

Kate still waiting on another company to meet at the Hall and if they fail to make the appointment again she will look for an alternative installer.
 Redecoration of Upstairs Meeting Room – Youth Club will report back at next meeting
 CCTV – Agreed to put this on hold till the Autumn/Winter as the acts of stealing defibrillators seems to have stopped for now, so minimal risk.

4. Parish Council Report
 Andy Musty was welcomed as the new Parish Council representative and takes over from Bryan Robinson who was thanked for his efforts over the past year. Andy has taken on the challenge of finding or resolving the missing deeds ongoing issue and already has some new avenues to follow up.

5. Finance Report
 BC produced the monthly statement and advised that the Wall & Tree grant money is still waiting to be received. Bill also had a meeting with Playgroup to check through their payments and agreed that approx £600 still due from them.

6. Income
 Bookings – No Private Hire bookings in June, July or August. Over the summer period it is generally very quiet but we need to think about how we can better promote the Hall during this time.

8 Maintenance
 Meter Readings - submitted
 Maintenance List – Good session last month, lots of junk shifted, plastic chairs moved, shed made more stable. but still need another session, TBA
 Bin Clearing rota organized by Dave Anderson
 Broken light switch in side bar area replaced, broken again by cleaner moving table tennis table, she will get it fixed.

7 Play Area/Skatepark Report
 No Report this month but ROSPA Report to be invoiced to the Village Hall rather than the Parish Council, Bill to action change.

8 Risk Assessment
 Health & Safety Issues – none considered for discussion other than minuted
 Risk Assessment Report – BR and DA had added some comments and additional items. CR will rework and circulate for further comments, ongoing.
 Deed Document and Title Plans - ongoing
 Signage –local signs required for notice on use of the filed by dog owners. CR will produce and find someone to laminate, still ongoing.
 Letter received from Peter Roberts from The Vicarage in response to our letter regarding the state of the building that adjoins the Hall. He has acted very quickly and has had a surveyor look check the building and we are waiting for his report.
 Emergency Lighting/Fire Bells – Checks undertaken and complete

9 Correspondence None other than discussed

10 AOB
 Marina has handed in her resignation, so we need a new cleaner, all to check if we know of someone, plus an advert to go up in shop, Post Office, & magazine.
 AS to chase up new bottle bank
 AS to check if Clothing bank can be moved nearer back of Hall.
 AS/NF Need a session to clear out flags from store room and put on Ebay

11 Date of Next Meeting
 The date of the next meeting will be 13
th July at 7.45pm
 There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.35 pm

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