Apr 12 - Hawkesbury Upton Village Hall - Hire for Weddings, Parties, Stage for Live music

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Minutes of Meeting
Held on Monday 16th April 2012

Mick Bendeaux          Angelo Sauro    Neil Fozard       Chris Rispin          
            Fiona Steeds         Pete Webb        Sue Webb         

1. Apologies
Apologies were received from Kath Harkness, Dave Anderson, Kate Bashford,    Jane Stanbridge Bryan Robinson Pat Sherry and Lorraine Rutter.
2. Previous Minutes
The Minutes of the previous meeting were signed as a true statement.

3. Matters Arising
– ongoing.  
Safe – has been installed in chair cupboard.  Key to be handed to Parish Council to open safe and review documentation therein.
Car Park – we won’t know until early May if we have the grant.
SkateparkDA emailed to report that the full funding required has not yet been achieved and build will likely be post summer.  They have agreed to form a sub committee with Hall to determine roles and responsibilities.
Constitution - AS, CR, BR and NF have reviewed situation and it seems that Parish Council are the actual Trustees.  BR emailed that he will pursue with PC.  Sue Hope has recommended someone who can come to a Hall Meeting to advise on our responsibilities and action required.  NF felt that all Hall Committee members should be strongly encouraged to attend this talk.
Food Hygiene – MB has purchased colour coded chopping boards.
Marketing of Hall - ongoing.
Spring Cleaning Sessions – mostly finished now. PW’s picture and letter ready to be put up.
Playgroup -  KB emailed to say that Andy Porter has done the concreting.  She thanked CR for his offer to do the work.

Wish list (Pending)
These are items which will be put on hold until funds are available:
Resurface Car Park; New Kitchen; Bench for Playground; Stage Curtain Tabs & Lighting

4. Treasurer’s Report
will distribute by email.  There is approximately £1900 in the bank.

5. Emergency Lighting/Fire Bells/Extinguishers & Meter Readings

carried out the Emergency checks following the meeting and everything is ok.
CR supplied readings:  Electricity 245307;  Water 988/348;  Oil 48"
Also see attached graph.
AS has reset timer for heating but will check it again.

6. Playground Check
No report due this month.

7. Correspondence
Emails from Dave Anderson, Bryan Robinson and Kate Bashford (see above).

Dave Anderson and Jane Stanbridge emailed to say that they can help on Sunday at the Breakfast.

8. Any Other Business

advised that she will now be the Evergreens representative on the Hall Committee.  She also reported that the Tea Urn had blown up.  There are 2 spare urns upstairs which we can use on Sunday if it cannot be repaired.

Hall Breakfast

We will meet at 8am.  FS to email Committee members not present to ask if they can help.  FS to get veggie sausages.   MB ordering other food through shop.  He will check if we can cook half the bacon at the shop – remainder to be cooked at Hall.  FS/CR/NF to collect sausages from shop and pre-cook them.  MB to contact Clive Wells regarding bread.
Kitchen was checked for toasters, slow cookers etc.  Urn needs to be looked at before Sunday.

9. Date of next meeting

The date of the next meeting will be Monday 14 h May at 7.45pm. Venue to be advised as Parish Council are using Hall.

There being no further business the meeting was closed at 8.45pm.

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