Jun 20 - Hawkesbury Upton Village Hall - Hire for Weddings, Parties, Stage for Live music

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Hawkesbury Hospital Hall – Minutes of meeting held via Zoom
8th June 2020 7.45pm
Discussion points
C Rispin (Chair), K Bashford, A Sauro, S Hope (representing PC), A Barnfield, J Sandy, A Allen, J Stanbridge, N Fozard, S Roberts
Bill Cullen, Fiona Steeds, Louise Roberts, Steve Magrath, Martin Horner, Phil Dennett
Minutes of the last meeting
Opening for Pre-school and measures taken including the risk assessment
Starting on Tuesday
KB has undertaken a Risk assessment which was provided for comment
Some Committee Members have been allocated tasks in the Risk Assessment – please could they confirm to KB that they are happy with these.
How can we prevent sanitiser being stolen, Neil to consider some sort of solution.
Committee agreed that the Hall would provide hand sanitiser. However, this would be reviewed if the facility was abused.
Awaiting more guidance on the opening of the Playpark
Can we use the phone rather than go in the Hall
Spray Paint and tape required for queuing
All to consider additional possibilities and report back to Kate asap
KB to add to Risk Assessment
Financial update
BC provide the financial update, no issues raised.
We have received a Retail, Leisure and Hospitality COVID 19 grant for £10,000 from South Glos council. This will be used to compensate for loss of income and cover additional costs (e.g. additional cleaning, PPE, cleaning supplies) incurred as a result of the Coronavirus outbreak.
Health and Safety issues
No issues raised
There was a gathering of more than six people on Sunday 7th June on the Recreation field, no permission was given for this gathering, but the Police were in attendance.
Car parking - concern had been raised about the limited access to Hall due to outsiders using the car park. Currently the Hall is not in use but a temporary No parking sign has been sited to see the outcome. This has resulted in a reduced number of cars on most days, but this is putting pressure on other parts of the village. It was suggested that the car park could be opened during the period whilst the hall is closed. However, this gives mixed messages given the incorrect advertising of the car park for walkers, so it was agreed that New signs would be sourced reinforcing the message that it should be used by Hall users only.
The donation sign should be changed that we still look for donations from those who use the car park legitimately.
Grass cutting – the Hall is going to be involved in new specification at the end of this year.
Sue Hope will advise on Trees available and the siting of benches, with consideration to their ongoing maintenance.
Louise is digging over the community garden this week. There is a possibility that a bench will be required in this area. Louise will be asked to liaise with the Parish Council. CR will meet with Louise to arrange access to water. AB will try to attend to discuss preschool requirements.
Fence panel at the front is to be fixed by Angelo and Neil.
Tree shoots to be cut back by CR
John Day to fix the skate park on Thursday
Look at the possibility of reusing the bins removed from the play park
Consideration is being given to fixing a CCTV camera overlooking the recreation field as a deterrent to unwelcome behaviour but there were concerns about children being caught on camera. AS to check the legislation regarding positioning of the camera.
We need to consider what should be done about areas within the playpark around the edges of the formal grassed area. Need to check whether these were to be planted. Currently they are just weeds, predominantly nettles and have swamped the new Hawthorn hedge some of which has died. Playpark committee to advise what was planned
Playpark committee
Meeting closed
Date of next meeting
13th July 2020 7.45 pm possibly via Zoom
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