Dec 18 - Hawkesbury Upton Village Hall - Hire for Weddings, Parties, Stage for Live music

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Minutes of Meeting held on Monday 10th December 2018
Chris Rispin    Kate Bashford    Sam Allen  Phil Dennett   Bill Cullen   Martin Horner  Jackie Sandy    Fiona Steeds   Carol Powell  Jane Stanbridge    Angelo Sauro  Vicky Rispin
Apologies for Absence
Neil Fozard    Mandy Clark    Louise Roberts    Hilary Rogers    Pat Sherry
Minutes of the Last Meeting            
These were agreed as a true record.
Play Area – Phil has looked at the funding agreement sent by Ibstock for the £15k grant. It was agreed that Karen and Bill will be the authorised signatories. There are concerns about ongoing maintenance of both the Play Area and Skatepark, due to a lack of support from people who had originally committed to getting involved. It therefore needs to be clearly defined what the succession plans will be for this sub-committee.  Kate will speak to Karen.
Upstairs Room – The window blinds have been fitted.   These were paid for from a kind donation by the Parish Magazine.  The fridge will be moved into the side storage area at the next working party.
Storage Sheds – Pre-school have asked for a “Wendy House” and Show Committee would like a lockable shed to store deer roast equipment and a log store.  The Committee agreed to this on condition that Pre-school and Show Committee pay for the groundworks and sheds, and the sheds must be sited in line with the existing Hall shed.  The sheds must also be maintained to a good standard by both organisations and if they fall into disrepair then the Management Committee will insist that they are removed. Vicky will liaise with Pre-school.  Carol will ask Addy to arrange removal of the horse box and if we cannot get rid of the plastic chairs on “Second to None” they will be taken to the tip.
Solar Panels – Angelo has a quote for 60 panels at a cost of £13,200.  Although the return on investment is good, the Committee felt that we need to be able to finance the cost from savings made and therefore in the early years this may not be feasible unless we can get a grant for at least 50%.  Sam offered to speak to her contact at the Energy Trust.  If funding looks possible Angelo will arrange for the company to come and speak to us.
Caravans – deferred to next meeting.
Show Committee Money – money was found in the office which we think belongs to the Show Committee.  Vicky has taken it and will pass it on to Dick (Treasurer).
Treasurer’s Report – Bill had distributed his report which was discussed.  £1200 each was raised for the Hall and St Mary’s from the Gin Evening.
Year End Requirements –  Bill will prepare the accounts for the AGM and get Mick to approve them.  Chris will put notice of AGM in the Parish Magazine.
Drama – Bill thanked the Drama group for their contribution to Hall funds from their latest production.
Parish Council Report – No report.
Car Parking Fees – Neil collected £7.00 this month.
Gin Evening – The Committee thanked Jane and Kate for arranging the event and Chris has emailed to thank the other organisers.  We are also grateful to all those who helped with preparations, setting up and on the evening.
Bookings – Mel is organising everything for the Christmas Disco.  Tickets are on sale.  There are not many bookings for the new year.
Welcome Pack – Kate will send details to Colin.
Booking Form – update is ongoing.  Angelo is looking at introducing automated invoicing.
Meter Readings - Chris has done these.
PAT Testing – Quote is for £27 per hour.  Phil also quoted for replacing fluorescent lights with LEDs.  Cost is £1237 + VAT. The Committee approved this and Sam will ask if the Energy Trust gives grants for this.
Maintenance Working Party – Chris will email around.
Water Softener – Chris and Kate have 3 quotes.  IND will have a look.
Hall Floor – Luke will do the work over Christmas and will look at the stage.  Kate suggested we get Jess to do a deep clean after the work has been done.
Cleaning – Kate to check with Louisa from Pre-school if they are prepared to cover in the case of an emergency.
Louise cleaned out the den with the help of some children from the village.  Tim to take the debris away. John Day has quoted £521.50 for the repair.  Angelo to ask him to re-quote for mesh.  Fiona to thank Louise.
Risk Assessment –  Carol reported that the lights in the gents had gone off leaving an elderly person distressed.  Angelo to add to electrician list.
Health & Safety – no issues reported.
Emergency/ Lighting/Fire Bells – Chris did these.
BIU Group Service Level Agreement – Phil has agreed a 3 year contract.  He will sign off on this.
Suez – they have been sending our correspondence to the wrong address. Chris has emailed them and is awaiting a reply.
The school are reviewing their Emergency Policy and Kate asked if they can use the Hall as a refuge in the event of an evacuation.  The was agreed subject to agreement of Pre-school.
Date of Next Meeting
The date of the next meeting will be 14th January at 7.45pm. 
There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.45pm.
Private Minute – not for circulation beyond the Trustees
It was appreciated that a lot of work has gone into getting the current grants and raising the funds to date, however, the Management Committee was concerned that the Play Committee is not on track to reach their Plan A target in time to comply with the Ibstock terms which require work to commence by 30/6/19. 
The Committee’s advice is that the Ibstock agreement should not be signed without a realistic appraisal of whether targets can be achieved within the timescale and whether a refurb of the current Play Area would be a better option.
Martin is concerned that the new door locking mechanism is not as efficient as the previous one.  We are aware of this but it cannot be changed.
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