April 23 - Hawkesbury Upton Village Hall - Hire for Weddings, Parties, Stage for Live music

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Village Hall Committee Meeting – 17th April 2023
·       Apologies for Absence (Fiona)
·       Minutes of Previous Meeting (Fiona)
·       Decisions, Approvals, Committee Ratifications (proposals circulated prior to meeting)
·     Hallmaster update and go live of new pricing framework (Angelo/Andrew) – info only
·     AGM 22nd May - notification status – notice board/SM/Parish Magazine (Jane)
·       Policy Review (updates for approval circulated prior to meeting)
·     Food Safety renewal (Fiona)
·     Safeguarding renewal (Kate)
·     Smoke Free renewal (Kate)
·     CCTV renewal (Angelo)
·       Strategic Plan Activities – 2023 consolidated development plan
·       External signage – “branding” / style requirements? (Andrew)
·       Meeting room upgrade (Bill)
·       Environmental actions – 9,10,11,13,14 on the plan (Various)
·       Section 106 funds
·       Park St. plan on hold.
·       Hall Operations Status (Kate)
·       Update on playpark/skatepark insurance cost fundraising (Kate)
·       Toddler group – status on insurance, safeguarding policy, finance accounts (Vicky)
·       Playpark and Skatepark 3rd party annual inspection status (Kate)
·       Bookings & events update (Jackie)
·       Booking updates/info  (Jackie)
·       2023 Fund raising events/bookings calendar (Andrew/Jackie)
·       Upside Down Kinks report
·       Wedding arrangements – May 7th and July 8th  (Andrew)
·       Monthly Reports (issued in advance - arisings only)
·     Finance (Bill)
·     Health & Safety – including quarterly risk register update (Andrew)  
·     Playpark/Skatepark (Steve)
·     Monthly checks register (Angelo)
·       Parish Council feedback (Sue)
·       Correspondence & Publicity (Fiona & Jane)
·       AOB (All)
 Date of Next Meeting:  8th May 2023 at 7.45pm

Minutes of Committee Meeting
17th April 2023
Andrew Webb    Angelo Sauro    Bill Cullen    Fiona Steeds     Alan Charlesworth 
Vicky Rispin    Louise Roberts    Sally Roberts    Hilary Rogers    Jane Stanbridge
 Mandy Clarke    Charene Winbow     Hannah Knight    Steve Magrath    Kate Bashford  
Jackie Sandy    Sue Hope     Neil Fozard
The Minutes of the March meeting were agreed as a true record.
Angelo and Andrew have simplified the system and tested it.  It is now more user friendly and incorporates the new hire charges framework and pricing.  Bill asked if we are taking deposits but this will only be done with large events such as weddings.
The AGM will be held on Monday 22nd May 2023 at 7.30pm followed by the Committee meeting.  Reports will be available for reading from 7.00pm. Jane to post on social media and put a notice on the exterior Hall Notice board.   Fiona to email  invitation to Hall Users.
Food Safety Policy
Posters highlighting Allergy awareness have been put up in the Hall and included in the Hirers information booklet in the kitchen.
Safeguarding Policy
Smoke Free Policy
CCTV Policy
All of the above policies have been updated and approved by the Committee.
STRATEGIC PLAN ACTIVITIES - 2023 consolidated development plan
External Signage – It was agreed to create a brand identity including a logo and using a uniform font and colour. These will be along similar lines to those used by the Village Shop and the PC to maintain consistency in the village. Jane will arrange for the brand identity to be produced and include a logo to be created based on the Monument. Meeting Room upgrade – ongoing.
Green Energy – Bill confirmed that our current energy supplier uses 55% renewable energy.  Together with solar panels we are fairly satisfied with our green credentials.  However Bill will check to see if we can improve with a different supplier. Angelo is trying to arrange a deal with British Gas to buy our surplus solar energy but they are proving difficult to deal with.  He has sent them all the information they require and is hopeful that it will be resolved. Andrew offered to write to the regulator if we continue to receive no response.
Recycling Vicky has put recycling bins in the kitchen and will label the other bins.  Additional signage will be provided. We have a quantity of plastic cutlery which Vicky will donate to charity.
Organic Cleaning Products – ongoing.
Fluorescent Tubes Angelo to speak to the Electrician. Post Meeting Note: at the last replacement LED tubes were used and so this action can now be closed.
Heat Management/Zoned system - Angelo still awaiting 3rd quote.  Kate/Andrew to look about possible grant sources. 
On hold.
Playpark/Skatepark Insurance – during the meeting Jane received an email from someone who was prepared to get involved with the fundraising for this.  She will pass it on to Kate.  We received donations from 2 village groups towards this.  Fiona to thank them and Jane to acknowledge on social media.
Toddler Group – Vicky has been in touch with the Early Years Alliance and can get cover under their Insurance if she joins the organisation.  She will also set up a Bank Account for Toddlers.  She will liaise with Kate regarding Safeguarding.  The Committee thanked Vicky for keeping Toddlers going.
Playpark/Skatepark Inspection – this has been done and we are awaiting the Report, however Angelo said that the Inspector didn’t raise any significant issues.
Bookings update/info
The new Yoga class has started on Friday mornings.
2023 Fundraising events calendar
We need to decide whether we want to do a Music event in September.  Louise has provisionally booked Razzle for Friday 27/10.  Jane agreed to book 6 O’Clock Gin for another fundraiser and will ask FOSM if they will co-organise again (during the meeting 6 O’Clock Gin confirmed availability for 2/12).
Upside Down KinksVicky helped on the door and said it was a great evening but not particularly well attended.  She was concerned that no one was there to welcome the band (she did this) but felt that we need to have someone do this in future.  Andrew will speak to Jackie but added that they had not requested assistance for their event.  He will also advise how much money was raised on the evening. Post Meeting Note: The Hall made a net profit of approx. £280.
The July wedding needs a lot of organising – Andrew is liaising.
The wedding on 7th May requires a Bar from 5-11pm.  Vicky, Jackie and Alan volunteered to help.  Fiona has been asked to heat up Pasties but will help if this can be done in the Hall.  Angelo will liaise with Andrew regarding ordering supplies and setting up the Bar.
Finance –  Bill had distributed his report which was discussed. No issues raised.
Health and Safety – the Risk Register is in a very good position with no “red” risks and only 9 “amber risks”, 8 of which are already at their acceptable or residual level requiring no further action. The one remaining action is associated with the new signage activity which Andrew is progressing. All other risks are “green”. Andrew and Angelo have consolidated all of the regular checks and monitoring mitigation actions into the Monthly Checks Register allowing the status to be reviewed at every committee meeting. Consequently the register will now be updated every 6 months. 
Playpark / Skatepark –  Nothing to report from Steve.  However there was an incident last Thursday when a 2 year old fell through the gap on the small climbing frame.  Andrew has told the parent that we will investigate. The equipment has been inspected and it is exactly the same as it was when first installed and certified. It was agreed that we would refer the incident to the supplier for advice and ask if this has happened before and seek their opinion on whether action should be taken.  However it was noted that the design of the equipment is approved as safe and our recent inspection did not highlight this as a problem. Andrew will include the incident in the Accident book.
Monthly checks register – Water usage is still erratic.  We will consider turning off the tap on the Rec after the Caravan Club event.  Alan agreed to review the Fire Risk Assessment.
Sue was not at the meeting.
Andrew has been asked to get the grass cut early next month for football.
There being no further business the meeting was closed at 22h10.
Date of Next Meeting will be Monday 22nd May 2023. 
This meeting will follow the AGM which will start at 7.30pm
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