Feb 23 - Hawkesbury Upton Village Hall - Hire for Weddings, Parties, Stage for Live music

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Village Hall Committee Meeting – 13th February 2023
·       Apologies for Absence (Fiona)
·       Minutes of Previous Meeting (Fiona)
·       Decisions, Approvals, Committee Ratifications (proposals circulated prior to meeting)
·     Parish Council grant request and meeting feedback (Andrew/Sue)
·     2023 investment budget – cover under Strategic Plan agenda item
·       Policy Review (updates for approval circulated prior to meeting)
·     None at this meeting
·       Strategic Plan Activities
·       2023 consolidated investment/development plan (Andrew)
·       2023 investment budget – proposal and endorsement (Andrew)
·       “Product” brochures – planning and requirements/formats etc (All)
·       Environmental Strategy Development
·       Covered within 2023 consolidated development plan
·       Section 106 funds
·       Feedback/update regarding discussions with original playpark leaders (Kate)
·       Hall Operations Status (Kate)
·       Bookings & events update (Jackie)
·       Booking updates/info  (Jackie)
·       2023 Fund raising events calendar update (Andrew/Jackie)
·       Big Breakfast & Solar Display – planning (All)
·       Short mat bowls opportunity (Angelo)
·       Monthly Reports (issued in advance - arisings only)
·     Finance (Bill)
·     Health & Safety (Andrew)
·     Playpark/Skatepark (Steve)
·     Monthly checks register inc maintenance update/plans (Angelo)
·       Parish Council feedback (Sue)
·       Correspondence & Publicity (Fiona & Jane)
·       AOB (All)
 Date of Next Meeting:  13th March 2023 at 7.45pm

Minutes of Committee Meeting
13th February 2023
Andrew Webb     Hilary Rogers    Kate Bashford   Angelo Sauro   Alan Charlesworth     Vicky Rispin   Louise Roberts          
Jackie Sandy    Jane Stanbridge            Bill Cullen          Fiona Steeds    Mandy Clarke    Steve Magrath    Sue Hope    Phil Dennett     Neil Fozard      Sally Roberts    Hannah Herod      Charene Winbow              Sally Roberts
The Committee’s thoughts are with the Dennett family.
The Minutes of the January meeting were agreed as a true record. 
Parish Council grant request and meeting feedback – a document had been shared with the Committee in advance of the meeting. This had also been submitted to the Parish Council who had subsequently invited Andrew to speak to the Parish Council at their meeting last week. Andrew provided a summary of key points in the document and from the meeting. The key purpose for making the request is that having found a way to close an annual deficit of approx. £6,000 between regular hiring revenue and the annual costs of operating and maintaining the hall facilities over the past two years, the loss of Pre-school and football at the end of 2022 means that the deficit will increase to £10,000 and the committee cannot see a means of addressing the additional £4,000 gap going forwards. The committee request was for a £3,000 operational grant.
The 2023-2024 precept has already been set so the Parish Council cannot use that as a method  to support the Hall this year. However, they do hold £3,000 of grant funding for distribution throughout the Parish.
Without sufficient support it is anticipated that the Hall will make a financial loss in 2023, and this will eat into the Hall reserves. But it is hoped this can be addressed via an annual grant from the Parish Council in subsequent years following an increase in the Precept. The Parish Council need to consider whether this would be acceptable and will respond to us.
A suggestion was made that the Hall could market the availability of pitches to football clubs. Andrew will consider the best way to tackle this.
Suggestion that an article could appear in the Parish news to provide further information around the finances of the Hall. This will be considered later in the year when the relevant information is available. Andrew will take this on. Kate will liaise with Andrew on further information.
None at this meeting.
2023 consolidated investment / development plan –
Andrew had shared in advance of the meeting a proposed Action Plan for 2023. This summarised 15 key activities which had been identified at discussions at the January meeting. The Committee briefly discussed some items included in the plan.
Website update and development - it was agreed that Bill, Andrew, Angelo and Jackie would meet to review the customer interface of the booking system, and implement the new pricing structure. This aims to ensure that the booking system is clearer and more user friendly.
Hallmark – Dick Whittington has said that they don’t have the capacity to carry out certification at the moment – this may be possible later in the year.
Product BrochuresKate, Andrew, Jane and Jackie to meet to put ideas together. 
Waste services – a recycling bin is available. All recyclable items collected in the designated bins in the kitchen and bar can be emptied into this. However, this hasn’t been emptied by the contractor in January. Angelo is following this up.
2023 Investment Budget – proposal and endorsement -
As part of the above plan, it is proposed that £5,500 is allocated from Hall funds for the implementation of the Development Plan during 2023. This is based on retaining a reserve of £20,000 in the Hall accounts and mirrors the agreement made for last year’s 2022 development plan. In some cases additional grant funding will be required for the actions to be fully implemented. This was agreed. However, due to fewer numbers attending the meeting, any further comments on this proposal should be shared with Andrew as soon as possible.
Product Brochures – see notes above.
Now included in 2023 Investment / Development Plan.
Requests for support for helpers to raise funds to cover the annual insurance costs  for the playpark/skatepark have been shared on facebook and in the parish mag, but have received limited support.
Agreed that in another month or so, another advert is placed which focuses on asking “would someone come forward and run the shopping evening?”, highlighting that profits pay for insurance for the playpark and skatepark.  Kate will confirm that Karen is happy to allow the hall to continue to run the Shopping Evening.
The new Section 106 funds associated with the Park St development to be discussed once the current playpark/skatepark position is resolved.
Campervan has been parked in hall carpark. Angelo will address this.
Children’s party on 12/2/23 – they were using bouncy castles and were not aware that they should not drag them across the floor. Consideration was given as to whether we should have protection for the floor when using this. It was concluded that when the website is reviewed if possible bookings for children’s parties will be asked an extra question to see if a bouncy castle is being hired. Hopefully this will allow Jackie to contact the hirer and ask them to confirm insurance arrangements and highlight the importance of not dragging the uninflated castle across the floor.
Bookings update/info – the new pricing system will be implemented on the website over the coming weeks. Jackie and Andrew continue to work to arrange costs for wedding packages.
2023 Fundraising events calendar
Currently only 2 committee organised fundraising events are planned. Last year we did 6, but a total of 4 (1 per quarter) is deemed reasonable.  Louise highlighted some events that are available through Razzle and will investigate this further.
Andrew will also follow up on some details about a Shakespeare production.
It was decided to remove the car boot sale as a proposed fundraiser.
Kate to investigate the supermarket token scheme.
Noted that one wedding is taking place on the Coronation Weekend and consideration needs to be given to road closures.
Andrew will highlight any events that will need bar staff.
Big Breakfast & Solar Display –
A spreadsheet of jobs for the day was discussed. Any further volunteers are very welcome – Kate will send email asking for any more helpers. Set up starts at 8am. Kate will prepare solar display.
Kate to ask Jackie or Fiona to invite regular hall hirers if they would like to promote their activities at the Hall.
All committee members are asked if they have any raffle prizes – please could these be dropped off with Vicky Rispin.
Short mat bowls opportunity – ongoing.
Finance – no report as Bill is on holiday.
Health and Safety – Andrew is taking this on. Nothing to report – no update due. No incidents reported.
Playpark / Skatepark –  roundabout is not working well – it is possibly full of grit. Kate to ask installer for any advice. Shackles on basket swing are showing signs of wear – Angelo to check.
Inspection is due. Kate to arrange. This is to be done to an alternative provider than RoSPA and Kate will confirm with the Parish Council how the grant to cover the cost will be paid.
Monthly checks registerAngelo presented his report.
Andrew will speak to Chris Knight about status of Fire Risk Assessment
Certificate of Employers Liability Insurance – has this renewed? – Bill to display new certificate.
Angelo and Andrew will look to progress the alcohol licence.
No report this month.
Thank you to Tom Hodder, Hilary and Colin Danks for their support and donations to the community garden.
Hilary reminded the maintenance team that the shield needs to be displayed.
Is there an extension lead in the Hall for Hall users to use? – could one be purchased please? – Angelo will arrange this.
Date of Next Meeting will be Monday 13th March at 7.45pm.
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