Jan 20 - Hawkesbury Upton Village Hall - Hire for Weddings, Parties, Stage for Live music

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Minutes of Meeting held on Monday 13th January 2020
Chris Rispin  Phil Dennett  Louise Roberts  Jackie Sandy  Fiona Steeds  Amy Barnfield  Angelo Sauro
Kate Bashford  Carol Powell  Jane Stanbridge  Neil Fozard  Martin Horner Hilary Rogers  Sally Roberts
Apologies for Absence
Mandy Clark   Bill Cullen   Sam Allen   Pat Sherry
Minutes of the Last Meeting            
These were agreed as a true record.
Play Area –  Amy had spoken to Karen who said that work should be completed by the end of January and Kate is happy that they have kept on top of costs etc.  They asked about Insurance and Phil advised that this will cost them £175pa in addition to the cover for the Skatepark.  The Play Area policy will be part of the Hall Policy.
Oil Tank Area – Louise has spoken to Emma who will advise on planting.  Amy and Louise agreed to take charge of this project and to try to involve children in the village (Pre-school, Rainbows, Youth Club etc).  Chris stipulated that the garden must be low maintenance and Louise favours a wild garden.  Amy can get hold of some picket fence to separate the Pre-school Playhouse.
Treasurer’s Report – Bill distributed his report which was discussed. The old bank account has been closed and the money transferred.
Hall Fees – Bill has not had time to do the cost analysis but will shortly.  Kate explained that it is difficult to compare like for like hire with other local facilities. Carol was concerned that the high cost of Hall Hire for private parties is putting people off but this will not solve the shortfall as last year there was an effective loss when grants were excluded from the cash flow.  Jackie is concerned that some people are not paying and that our booking system is not picking this up.  Chris and Bill to liaise and try to get a picture of how much income we need to generate in order to adjust fees at the AGM. Chris will also discuss the possibility of this year having an accountant to review the books  and give advice on our systems.
Year End Requirements – Kate will ask Youth Club about nominating a Hall Representative.
Parish Council Report  - Carol advised that the Parish Council will have money available to village organisations and has asked for a “wish list”  (including maintenance issues) from the Hall.  Chris to email a list.  Suggestions included Car Park, Ice Machine, Water Softener, Paint.  PC asked why “Lee’s Lights” were switched off early this year.  Kate messaged Andrew who thinks it may have been water damage but it was not done deliberately.  He will let us know if there is a problem when he checks the lights.
Car Parking Fees – Neil collected £17.26 this month.  Jackie reported that the car park was full when the new Sewing Club arrived on Tuesday.  Louise has had the same problem with Library.  Kate to contact school and ask that people respect the “Hall In Use” sign.  
Grant from Parish Mag We have asked for something towards the cost of the new bar Cooler.
Big Breakfast – Kate  to do an advert for Parish Mag.  Carol offered to do the Raffle and asked for donations.  Several people volunteered to help on the day – we need as many as possible.  Fiona and Neil to liaise regarding supplies.
Oil – John Day has moved the oil to our tank.  Fiona to thank him and Martin and Pam.  Oil level quite low at the moment.
VE75 Celebrations – A Committee has been set up to oversee this.  They have sent through their proposals for the day and asked that the Hall Committee be involved.  Chris will attend their next meeting on 29/1 and anyone who is interested is welcome to go along too.
Fireworks Insurance – Angelo is getting 2 quotes for this.
Meter Readings   Chris has done these. All ok.
Maintenance Working Party – Four people attended last Saturday and a start has been made on painting.  All the equipment is there if anyone has spare time to go in and paint.  The dishwasher is now operational and door alarm has been fixed.  Tom to remove old dishwasher.  Angelo has put the escape ladder in situ and Kate has provided a “Not Drinking water” sign for the meeting room sink..  Date for next working party is 25/1/20.
EWS – there is a problem with water supply in ladies toilets.  It might be easier to replace the taps than have EWS fix it.  Chris will meet with them to discuss when they do the Annual check.
Initial – they have taken over from PHS.  There is now a Nappy bin which will be emptied fortnightly.  Ladies sanitary bins have been replaced with automatic ones – Kate to put notices up on how they operate.
John Day to do the repair  (cost could be added to wish list for PC).
Health & Safety – nothing to add.
Emergency/ Lighting/Fire Bells   all ok.
Email from Hazel Jones inviting us to apply for grants from PC.
Louise has booked Badapple Theatre for a performance on Sunday 31st May.
Jackie said that Football Club are turning up on dates which aren’t on the calendar.  Angelo to follow up with them.
Jane suggested a fundraiser later in the year but thinks we need to decide on a date asap.
Hilary said that the table tennis table is blocking access to the books in the chair store.  Louise will move it when she gets the chairs out on Friday for Library.
Neil advised that the hedge laying party will be out on Tuesday 14th & Thursday 16th January.
Date of Next Meeting
The date of the next meeting will be 11th February at 7.45pm. 
This will follow the AGM which will start at 7.30pm
There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.30pm.
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