Dec 22 - Hawkesbury Upton Village Hall - Hire for Weddings, Parties, Stage for Live music

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Village Hall Committee Meeting – 12th December 2022
·       Apologies for Absence (Fiona)
·       Minutes of Previous Meeting (Fiona)
·       Decisions, Approvals, Committee Ratifications (proposals circulated prior to meeting)
·     Revised hire charges for 2023 in line with Hiring Framework & Policy (Andrew & Bill)
·     Bar price increases – agreement for Andrew & Angelo to undertake (Andrew)
·       Policy Review (updates for approval circulated prior to meeting)
·     None at this meeting
·       Strategic Plan Activities
·       Investment/Development plan summary update
o   None at this meeting
·       Environmental Strategy Development
·       Overall Environmental Strategy Plan presentation (Andrew/Chris)
·       Section 106 funds
·       None at this meeting – awaiting S.Glos council formal/written response to proposal
·       Hall Operations Status (Kate)
·       Bookings & events update (Jackie)
·       Booking updates/info  (Jackie)
·       2023 Fund raising events/bookings calendar (Andrew/Jackie)
·       Debbie Young – outdoor theatre performance opportunity (?)
·       Event reports;
o   Drama Pantomime
o   Gin Tasting
·       Hall open event – plans (Kate)
·       Monthly Reports (issued in advance - arisings only)
·     Finance (Bill)
·     Health & Safety (Chris)
·     Playpark/Skatepark (Steve)
·     Monthly checks register inc maintenance update/plans (Angelo)
·       Parish Council feedback (Sue)
·       Grant application process 2023
·       Correspondence & Publicity (Fiona & Jane)
·       AOB (All)
 Date of Next Meeting:  9th January 2023 at 7.45pm

Minutes of Committee Meeting
12th December 2022
Andrew Webb     Hilary Rogers    Kate Bashford   Angelo Sauro   Alan Charlesworth     Neil Fozard      Vicky Rispin   Sally Roberts
Jane Stanbridge   Bill Cullen    Fiona Steeds  
Mandy Clarke    Steve Magrath   Louise Roberts    Chris Knight     Hannah Herod      Charene Winbow     Jackie Sandy    Sue Hope    Phil Dennett     
The Minutes of the November meeting were agreed as a true record. 
Revised Hire Charges for 2023
Andrew presented the proposed charges and explained the reasoning behind the pricing structure.  It was approved by the Committee and we agreed that the new rates will take place from 1st March 2023 to allow time for Angelo to update the Hallmaster programme.  Vicky asked if it is possible to have 2 log on identities (personal and Hall User Group) to differentiate when she makes private bookings. Jane will advertise the changes in the Parish Magazine and Fiona will email the regular weekly Hall Users to alert them to the changes.
Bar Price Increases
Andrew and Angelo want to review our bar prices as some products are not appropriately priced.  The Committee are happy for them to do this.  Neil asked if we could have a different selection of bottled beers.  Angelo to find out if this is possible.
None at this meeting. 
Investment/Development Plan Update
No change since last month.  Bill has applied to British Gas for a Feed In Tarriff for our solar panels.
Andrew has made an action plan from the discussions at the two meetings organised by Chris.  This will be sent out with the Minutes.  Andrew asked that the Committee look at the first two sections in which 5 of the actions require a lead/contributors (marked “?”) and if there is a project they are happy to lead on/get involved in, please let him know.
Kate has had an email from the Council who said “the proposal sounds ok”.  We interpret this as meaning they will support it financially with Section 106 funds. We now need to determine how we go about  involving the wider community if the project is to go ahead.
Kate advised that Ange Jones has taken over the Cleaning on a permanent basis. Kate will speak to Ange about getting a relief cleaner on board as well and Jane will advertise the post in the February Parish Mag.  Angelo has sorted out the Boiler Room.  There have been problems with the Heating which Angelo is trying to sort out.  There have been scuff marks left on the floor in the Hall from black soled shoes which are difficult to remove.  Andrew will speak to Youth Club about this.  Jane asked the Committee members who receive the general Hall email enquiries if they could copy everyone in when they reply so that we all know if a query has been dealt with.
Bookings update/info
Nothing to report from Jackie except that the provisional booking for Boxing Day has not been confirmed.
Fundraising calendar
Andrew reported that we have had an excellent year of fundraising events and is confident it will more than cover our operational cost shortfall for 2022. However he is particularly concerned for 2023 especially in light of the departure of Pre-school and the loss of regular football club bookings. He feels it is not reasonable to expect the Committee to make up this added deficit as it would require doubling the number of events. All agreed that we need to focus on attracting more private bookings and parties and maintain a similar number of committee organised events as this year. The first version of the 2023 calendar was presented in which several events are already confirmed and we have several more that are provisional.
Hall Breakfast
This will be held on Sunday 5th March 2023 and will coincide with an Open Day type display.
Drama Pantomime
This was a huge success and bar sales were very good. Together with Hall hire this was a good fundraiser for the Hall.  Fiona to email the Drama Group to thank them.
Gin Evening
Another excellent fundraiser which was well supported and enjoyed.  Andrew will let the Committee know how much was made this week.  The Committee thanked Jane for organising the evening.  Neil will ask FOSM if they would be interested in organising a similar event next December (and perhaps taking the lead on it).
Post meeting note: Total profit for the evening was £1756 to be split 50/50 with FOSM
Finance – Bill presented his report for the month which was discussed. No issues raised.
Health and Safety – Andrew thanked Neil for carrying out the Tree Inspection.
Playpark / Skatepark –  Steve sent his report and he highlighted a potential problem with swing shackles.  Maintenance group to look at this.  Angelo has ordered the cover for the zipwire chain.  Alan has cut back trees which were close to the phone line.
Monthly checks registerAngelo presented his report.
Sue emailed with several questions which Fiona will respond to.  The PC are still considering extending Library Hours as a warm space.  She also advised that the price of cutting the grass on the Rec will increase and that Pre-School are sadly closing for good this week.
Andrew has spoken to Hazel about grants and CIL funding and will write a paper to be presented to the Parish Council.
Request from South Glos Citizens Advice for a poster to be put up which asks people to donate to them via a QR code.  This Committee was against this.
Louise emailed regarding the Pre-school Shed which she would now like to keep as part of the Wildlife Garden.  The Committee are happy with this.
Andrew advised that Ed Littlewood will no longer be storing his pizza dough machine in the Hall.
Pre-school have said we can dispose of their stuff if Toddler Group do not want it.  Vicky will sort this.  She also asked for advice regarding Insurance and banking for Toddler Group now that Pre-School have folded.  She will speak to Phil and Bill about how to proceed.  Vicky thought it is very important that Toddler Group keep going as this is now the only facility for pre-school age children in the Village and she expressed her sadness that there will no longer be a Pre-School facility.
There being no further business the meeting was closed at 22h15.
Date of Next Meeting will be Monday 9th January at 7.45pm.

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