Feb 19 - Hawkesbury Upton Village Hall - Hire for Weddings, Parties, Stage for Live music

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Minutes of Meeting held on Monday 11th February 2019
Kate Bashford    Phil Dennett   Bill Cullen   Martin Horner  Jackie Sandy  Karen Bexter 
Fiona Steeds     Carol Powell    Neil Fozard      Angelo Sauro   Hilary Rogers    Pat Sherry
Rebecca Clark    Jane Stanbridge   Amy Barnfield   Fiona Hurst 
Apologies for Absence
Chris Rispin   Sam Allen  Louise Roberts  
Minutes of the Last Meeting            
Carol made some amendments to the Minutes.  These will be corrected and re-distributed.
Play Area –  Karen updated the Committee on progress with the Play Area.  They have now raised a total of £62877.38 including 2 grants from Enovert and Ibstock.  They will hear on 28/2 if their application for a £50,000 LEDA grant has been successful.  The zipwire is something they would really like to have.  The preferred location is beside the hedgerow and would involve moving the electrics post which affects siting of Show Marquee.  Angelo didn’t think this would be a problem for the Show Committee if Play Area cover the cost.  Karen will liaise with Angelo and our electrician and then ask Keith again. Martin asked if there are increased Insurance costs for the zipwire.  Karen doesn’t think so but Phil will check with our Insurers.  Kate asked if we could see a scale plan of the proposals at the next meeting (by which time they will know how much money they have) and for a project plan to show timings, particularly of money, so we can see how the cash flow will work.  Carol asked that they also present to the Parish Council.  The chosen contractor is “Urban Recreation” and a wood finish is preferred as it is more in keeping with the rural setting.  Everyone agreed the work should be done asap and that the Play Area be closed so that everything is done at the same time, hopefully before the school summer holidays begin.  We are getting close to the stage when the project will be finalized so if anyone has any questions this is the time to ask them.  These should be raised with Karen or Kate. Phil confirmed that as per previous Minutes the Enovert agreement for authorisation of Playpark grant has now been completed.
Upstairs Room – Kate is sorting the loose carpet tiles.
Storage Sheds – Vicky and Jo have met up.  We need Show and Pre-school to confirm where they want the sheds as we would like to accommodate a boules pitch if possible.
Solar Panels – We have not had any success with grant availability so will not be taking this any further.
Treasurer’s Report – Bill had distributed his report which was discussed. There is still a problem with MyDonate paying into the old account and it is unclear if money is intended for Hall or Playpark.  Angelo and Bill to liaise.
Parish Council Report – The Community Land Trust are meeting here on 16/3 and would like to put a banner on the front wall.  This was agreed.  Someone has asked if they can go metal detecting on the Rec.  The Committee does not approve this as it was felt it will be disruptive and could affect the football pitch.  There is a Community Engagement session at the Methodist Hall on 12/2.
Car Parking Fees – Neil collected £16.54 this month.
Grants – A big thank you to Cllr Hope who has donated £500 to Hawkesbury at Play to help pay for the repair to the Skatepark.  She also donated £600 to the Hall to enable us to get new square tables.  Angelo and Neil will source these when the money has been received.
Lack of Support from Certain Groups – to be discussed at next meeting.
Bookings – Jackie asked if it is ok to give out the key the evening before a booking if it is an early start.  This was agreed.  Someone organizing a private party has asked for a reduced rate if they give a donation to Pre-school.  This was rejected.  Dog Show Fundraiser for Hawkesbury at Play, PTA and Pre-school in May.  Last time we didn’t charge Hawkesbury at Play for Hall hire but it was felt that we cannot do it free of charge.  It was decided to give a third off cost towards Playpark fundraising.  The 3 organisations can decide who pays what.
Bill asked if Pre-school can advise how many sessions they hold each month for billing purposes.  Amy to follow up.
Card Payments – Jackie donated an IPad to enable us to take payments.  Kate thanked her very much on behalf of the Committee.  Angelo has bought a card reader.
Football Club – It will cost £600 to clean and disinfect the Showers.  It was felt that this was excessive as we don’t yet know if they will be used.  Kate suggested we look for grants to properly refurbish the Changing Rooms.  Bill felt that the space could perhaps be better used for a different purpose.
Hall Breakfast – Date set for Sunday 14th April.   Neil and Fiona to sort food.  Further discussion at March meeting.
Meter Readings – Angelo to do these.
PAT Testing – Amy to find out if Pre-school need anything to be tested on 21/2. 
Maintenance Working Party  Neil and Angelo will liaise with Chris.  Kate will let Amy know when lino is being fitted in Pre-school cupboard. It would be good if some of the Pre-school dads could help out with this. Angelo will arrange for Steve Blakeney to look at loose tap in ladies toilet.  Toilet seat also to be replaced.  Doorbell to be fitted.  Rubbish in changing rooms to be cleared.  Angelo is going to set up an email address for reporting Maintenance problems.
Water Softener – IND looking at this on 12/2.
Lighting – In hand.                                                                                                             
Wall – Chris has inspected it and thinks it is no worse than 12 months ago and will continue to monitor it.
CR Windows – they are coming on 18/2.
Initial – Phil has contact details to follow up.
John Day has repaired the Skatepark.
Health & Safety – no issues reported.
Emergency/ Lighting/Fire Bells – Chris to do these.
Amy said her husband is a website designer and would be happy to work on our website free of charge.
Bill is concerned that the only back up copies of the Accounts are on his PC.  Angelo is setting up a “Cloud” where these can be stored along with Minutes etc.
Amy was pleased to report that Pre-school have found the Hall to be much warmer since the new windows and doors were fitted.
Jane is completing a Mental Health First Aid Course and has done it through our Charity which means she will officially be our Mental Health First Aider.
Angelo would like to re-start the process for “Hallmark” accreditation.  He will send details to Kate.
Martin said that anyone who wants the plastic chairs should take them before he goes to the tip with the final load.  The Committee thanked him for sorting this.
Date of Next Meeting
The date of the next meeting will be 11th March at 7.45pm. 
There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.30pm.
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