Hawkesbury Upton Village Hall - Hire for Weddings, Parties, Stage for Live music

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Aug 08

Hall + Parish > The Hall > 2008 Mins


Minutes of Meeting
Held on Monday 11 August 2008

Angelo Sauro Pat Sherry Sue Herod John Otley
Fiona Steeds Chris Rispin

1. Apologies
Apologies were received from Mick Bendeaux, Sue Hope, Sara White, Terry Gardener, Chris Edwards, Pete Webb and Neil Fozard.

2. Previous Minutes
The Minutes of the previous meeting were signed as a true record.

3. Matters Arising

Kitchen re-vamp
- ongoing. Fundraising will be required for this.
Checklist – ongoing
Playground bin – ongoing
Drama quote – Two further quotes have been received. One for £3354.00 plus £420 for bar and another for £4750. SH wasn’t sure when these builders would be available to do the work.
Art Group – There is a possibility that they may start up again, so we need to sort out payment terms and outstanding fees if this is the case.
Car Park Entrance – Fencing put up has made a big difference.
Hall Boundary Line – No Planning Permission has been granted but Sth Glos Council are prepared to talk to us about it.
Neighbours – They were pleased with letter advising them of website, but asked what time the Hall is licensed till when parties are on. FS to advise them that we normally request a midnight stop with around an hour’s clearing up time.
Ballet Barre - still not repaired.
Hall Booking Form – AS has amended this to a more simple layout.

4. Treasurer’s Report
Treasurer’s Report was distributed.

5 Emergency Lighting/Fire Bells/Extinguishers
All OK.

6. Playground Check
One screw had to be tightened on log climbing steps. CE suspects it had been deliberately loosened on equipment.

7. Meter Readings
CE to advise.

8. Correspondence
Email from Sue Hope.
Vandalism – she is not in favour of CCTV. She asks if we have young rep from Youth Club on Committee – we have offered but they do not seem to be interested.
Regarding new boiler – Energy Group are looking at various possibilities.

9. Any Other Business
Antisocial Behaviour. Email from CE regarding this. He thinks option of Gates and CCTV should be considered. At meeting it was felt that CCTV might be the more effective option. SA to get information from a Security Firm in her office block and AS to pursue Maplins for possible costings. It was felt that gates would not make much difference to security.

The Energy Group have produced a flyer to be handed out on Show Day advertising their Energy Day in the Hall on Saturday 4th October. Breakfast Rolls will be available and information stands. There will be a stand at the Show to promote the event.

SA requested that the Hall Booking Form include a note that stage lighting is only available on request and at a cost as these lights belong to Drama Group. There was an instance of lights being used and not properly switched off last Friday.

SH reported that the lights in the ladies toilets were not working on Saturday night. These were checked and are still not working.

SH also asked who arranges laundering of tablecloths. SW usually deals with this, but was absent and no one else knew.

10. Date of next meeting

The date of the next meeting will be Monday 8 September 2008 at 7.45pm.

There being no further business the meeting was closed at 2030 hrs.

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