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Minutes of Meeting
Held on Monday 13th February 2012
Pat Sherry Angelo Sauro Dave Anderson
Neil Fozard Kath Harkness Mick Bendeaux
Pete Webb Chris Rispin Dave AndersonJane Stanbridge Bryon Robinson Vicky Rispin
1. Apologies
Apologies were received from Hilary Rogers, Sam Allen, Fiona Steeds, Kate Bashford.
2. Previous Minutes
The Minutes of the previous meeting were signed as a true statement.
3. Matters Arising
Boundary – ongoing. AS to suggest a green mesh product to PR. Anti climb paint has been done but more needed.
Heating – Completed, radiator fixed and another installed in kitchen, plus new central heating pump fitted. No call back from Neil at OHS.
Christmas Lights – NF to source some large plastic storage boxes
Gutters – back one cleared, others to be done plus 1 bracket needed, DA & AS
Constitution & Responsibilities – All to familiarise, ongoing
Skatepark – DA reported that the Cory grant application had been successful and brings total to around £38,000. Design company meeting onsite next week to provide a more accurate design & quotation.
Car Park – ongoing. MB has applied for a grant with Cory, meanwhile holes to be temporarily patched AS to sort.
Treasurer Vacancy - no one has come forward to take this on and MB has agreed to stay on for another year.
Wish list (Pending)
These are items which will be put on hold until funds are available:
Resurface Car Park; New Kitchen; Bench for Playground; Stage Curtain Tabs & Lighting
4. Treasurer’s Report
MB had only just completed the annual report so no monthly report for this meeting.
5. Emergency Lighting/Fire Bells/Extinguishers & Meter Readings
Not completed this month but CR to take on this monthly task
6. Playground Check
No report this month.
7. Correspondence
8. Any Other Business
Food Hygiene Inspection has taken place, await report.
Date for a Big Breakfast set at Sunday April 22St. George’s theme.
Need to block out 3 & 4 June for celebration day in calendars – AS
Karate under stage trolley is broken but on the stage with all its contents, Pat Sherry asked that it is sorted ASAP as the stage will be required soon but also likely to dirty/damage curtains, MB to see John Day.
Sue Hope suggested we need to think of the impact to Hall takings if/when Playgroup move to the School, this was noted.
AS suggested a couple of Spring Clean sessions and circulated a ‘to do’ list, first date to be 18th Feb 9.30 to 11.30. notes attached.
AS & JS to get together to discuss Website & Marketing plans for the Hall
9. Date of next meeting
The date of the next meeting will be Monday 13 February at 7.30pm for the AGM, followed immediately by the normal meeting.
There being no further business the meeting was closed at 9.30pm.
Hall Spring Clean & General Tidy Up
General look around building area & car park and note any issues for repair or maintenance.
Check & clean out gutters, fix any brackets or connectors, tall ladder needed field side
Look at option of shed near HURG location, store plastic chair and other outdoor items.
General look around the rec. & play areas and again note any areas for maintenance or improvements.
Fix new bolts to play equipment
Foyer & toilets
Clear out Magazine rack of outdated material, is it still used?
Check and clear under stairs area, should be clear!
Check all toilets & changing rooms & note/fix for any problems, why empty soap dispensers
Check and tidy Boiler room
General tidy shelves etc. and check for any unwanted electrical goods, crockery & cutleryIf necessary clean out fridges & freezersIf necessary clean oven & associated trays
Check and clean dishwasherNote any items that need replacing & or maintenance
Check First Aid kit, signage etc.
Servery wall cupboard, check and clear out as necessary
ain Hall
Re organise table store
Clean Cobwebs, high level
Re organise Chair store, maybe stack plastic chairs higher & support to save space
General remove of cobwebs and dusting
Check/tidy stage area
Bar area, move table tennis table and other stuff elsewhere
Bar Area
General tidy and wash down all shelves
Assess shelving/storage requirements
Landing Area
Replace ceiling tiles
Remove non office items to store room or throw out
Complete Wi-Fi printer setupL
ook at putting in a new carpet & desk, decided on desk & chair
File all records into filing cabinet
Meeting Room
General tidy and note any issues, can mirror get hung back up, if not should it get stored?
Carpet already dirty and could do with a clean, edges need sorting out
Store Room
Agree removal/storage of all items
Fix shelving to accommodate fluorescent tubes & label up
Create storage area for canopy