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Minutes of Meeting
Held on Monday 9 May 2011
Angelo Sauro Mick Bendeaux Fiona Steeds Pat Sherry
Terry Gardener Hilary Rogers Chris Rispin Sam Allen
1. Apologies
Apologies received from Sue Hope, Neil Fozard and Debbie Young
2. Previous Minutes
The Minutes of the previous meeting were signed as a true statement.
3. Matters Arising
Chair Cleaning – 4 World Challengers are interested depending on pay. As some chairs are worn out it may not be worth cleaning them. It was decided to meet at Village Hall on Saturday morning at 10.30 to clean a few chairs and see how long it takes and what results are.
Honesty Box – In situ. TG persuaded some Ramblers to donate £20. He suggested that we advise Rambler groups (via our website) that they should check parking availability and that we welcome contributionsvia Honesty box.
Curtains - MB cancelled Hilarys Blinds. He will ask Joan Yuill if she is interested in making the blinds.
PS and SA advised that stage curtains also need to be replaced. Costs are minimum of £1310 for curtains which must be flame retardant; £700+ for tabs at back of stage; £298 for border tubes which curtains attach to. Permanent lighting would also be desirable – cost £1740. SA suggested asking other Hall Users who benefit from stage (such as PTA, FOSM) to contribute some money (perhaps £50 per group) to this and Drama Group have some funds they can use.
Committee to devise a letter to go out.
Outside Lights – ongoing.
Family Fun Day – CR to do advert for 17/7 event. Same format as last year.
Biker Event – Public meeting has been held and those who attended seemed happy that we go ahead having heard our plans to keep disruption to a minimum. Camping will be at bottom of field. Toilets will be provided – they will pay 50% of costs for this. Catering needs to be sorted. The Fox are happy to provide some food and we will ask village organisations if they wish to participate as fundraisers.
Corrugated Fence – ongoing.
Street Party – great success. Well done to Louise Roberts.
Boundaries – MB and CR to liaise.
Wish list (Pending)
These are items which will be put on hold until funds are available:
Crockery; Lee’s Lights; Playground repairs; New Kitchen; Bench for Playground; Stage Curtains & Lighting
4. Treasurer’s Report
The report was distributed at the Meeting.
5. Emergency Lighting/Fire Bells/Extinguishers & Meter Readings
Emergency checks all carried out by TG.
TG supplied readings: Electricity 235837; Water 827/530; Oil 3’5”
6. Playground Check
CR submitted this. Graffiti on new board. Concern that there is a risk where the boundary wall with Cropready has crumbled and horses on their side could potentially cross over.
7. Correspondence
SH suggested refurb of BMX track to skateboards/scooters as funding may be available for this. Committee do not want to take this on but are happy for interested parents to form a Committee and take on this project. We will have to check position regarding Insurance liability. FS to advise SH.
Email received via Parish Council from WREN group who will match fund 100% on various community projects. It was suggested that this be passed back to whoever is fundraising for Skateboard area.
8. Any Other Business
TG repaired guttering and emptied bins. MB thanked him.
MB advised that Makro have an offer of Doulton China 24 piece set for £29.99 – patterned or white. He will save the vouchers and see if we can get enough sets to keep for special events.
CR reported that a new “windblade” electricity generating technology is being tested which may be suitable for Village Hall roof.
9. Date of next meeting
The date of the next meeting will be Monday 13 June at 7.45pm. This meeting will be held at the Beaufort Arms as Parish Council need Hall room.
There being no further business the meeting was closed at 2055hrs.