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Minutes of Meeting
Held on Monday 10th November 2008
Angelo Sauro John Otley Chris Edwards Hilary Rogers Gill Oliver
Pat Sherry Fiona Steeds Terry Gardener Neil Fozard Richard Marshall
1. Apologies
Apologies received from Mick Bendeaux, Sam Allen, Pete & Sue Webb, Sara White, Kath Harkness and Chris Rispin.
2. Previous Minutes
The Minutes of the previous meeting were signed as a true record.
3. Matters Arising
Checklist - ongoing
Playground bin - done.
Hall Boundary Line - still awaiting visit from Council officer.
Cigarette Bin - done.
Building Work - builder finishing off the work this week.
Fundraiser - those who attended enjoyed it, but we only made £200 profit once costs had been deducted. AS suggested that if we repeat this type of event we should charge more for tickets and advertise more widely.
Energy Group - has not met since our last Committee meeting.
Leyhill - NF has met with Leyhill supervisor. They will supply a team of 5-7 men at a cost of £125 per day. It was estimated that they would need 5 days to decorate the Hall, 2-3 days for the entrance and stairs (depending on what we want done) and the same for the passageway and showers. We would supply our own materials. MB to approach B&Q for possible donations. AS suggested February half term week as possible date. AS/NF to appraise what needs doing, as we must be very specific with our instructions.
Canon Security - CE disputed Canon quote and would like to get a further quote from another company for security cameras.
4. Treasurer's Report
Treasurer's Report was distributed. Since this was produced we have had a further £900 income from HCC Presentation night.
NF asked if our internet facility was being used. AS said that Parish Council use it and Youth Club are hoping to but agreed that it could be more widely used.
The new ice maker has not yet been installed in the bar area.
MB is setting up a separate account for Energy and any grants/fundraising will be paid directly into this.
5. Emergency Lighting/Fire Bells/Extinguishers
Nothing to report.
6. Playground Check
Nothing to report.
7. Meter Readings
Water 415.081; Electricity 206788; Oil Tank 16.5 inches from top of sight tube.
8. Correspondence
Letter from Art Group enclosing cheque for £85.50 in respect of their outstanding fees.
Pre-school have written requesting a reduction in their rent as they are currently running at a loss. MB felt we should not do this, as it would set a precedent. It was suggested they be encouraged to find out about grants (MB offered to help them) and fundraise. AS to arrange a meeting with them, along with SW who has knowledge of Playgroup situation.
9. Any Other Business
Karate have complained that the Hall floor is often in an unacceptable condition following Saturday night functions. CE thought that Sue Hewer doesn't have sufficient time to clean it, however AS feels that the floor itself is the problem. AS to speak to Sue for her opinion and to look at the materials and equipment we are using. NF suggested we get the company who did the floor back in. It may also be necessary to charge a higher deposit for certain functions in future as the Hall is not being left in a clean condition.
CE felt that the function on 15 October had highlighted the need for extra policing of this type of event. It was suggested that we may need to insist that hirers guarantee that extra adults will be available to supervise (particularly outside).
A tap was left running at the weekend. CE requested that PS ask Neil from the composting group if he had used it. CE to label taps.
Work needs to be done on skylights in ladies toilets to prevent reflection.
First Aid Kit needs to be renewed.
10. Date of next meeting
The date of the next meeting will be Monday 8h December 2008 at 7.45pm.
There being no further business the meeting was closed at 2045 hrs.