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Minutes of Meeting
Held on Monday 9th February 2009
Present: Angelo SauroMick Bendeaux Sara White Chris Rispin Chris Edwards
Sue Webb Peter Webb Hilary Rogers John Otley
Pat Sherry Terry Gardener
Angelo Sauro was proposed as Chair by Chris Rispin and seconded by Pete Webb
1. Apologies
Apologies were received from Gill Oliver & Fiona Steeds
Previous Minutes
The minutes of the previous meeting were signed as a true record.
3. Matters Arising
Fist Aid kit - ongoing MB
Plastic Glasses - ongoing MB
Kitchen refurb. - MB has received another quote from Thornbury kitchens.
Hall building line - email received from South Glos, await a meeting date.
Lehyhill - Paint quantities needs to be worked out AS & NF
Paint donations made by Crown Paints MB to pick up.
Bonfire Night - NF and Andy Musty are checking Insurance Policy, ongoing
Fundraisers - NW at shop happy to underwrite another breakfast 15 March decide as a date
for the breakfast.CR to do ad.
Horse Racing evening suggested for June 13, MB to do ad.
Radiators – NF to check if they need bleeding
4. Treasurer’s Report
No report this month due to book with our accountant
5 Emergency Lighting/Fire Bells/Extinguishers
All OK apart from one battery needed
6. Playground Check
All OK but covered in snow right now.
7. Meter Readings
Oil 221/2 from top
Elect. 21001.2
Water 477.771
8. Correspondence
The Water board has informed us that due to overpayment we do not need to pay for 6 next months.
H&S Risk assessment in Winterbourne PW may attend
NVCO £30 per year subscription, MB to check if it’s still worth staying in.
9. Any Other Business
Steve Watss needs access to do an Electric check, need to ask him to also check fans
In changing rooms.
Gents fan cover needs replacing.
1 socket on stage needs fixing
Need to inform Jill Truebody when we need to take Tapestry down.
Next door have mentioned that some of their fencing has been damaged by kids
Retrieving balls. Need to discuss repair/replacement costs MB
Grit bin has been installed in car park, excellent response from South Glos.
Too many hirers are leaving lights on after closing up, Terry to try and note down
when and then inform hirer.
Oil tank wall needs repair AS
10. Date of next meeting
The date of the next meeting will be Monday 9 March 2009.
There being no further business the meeting was closed at 2050 hrs.