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Minutes of Meeting
Held on Monday 14 July 2008
Angelo Sauro Chris Edwards Pat Sherry Gill Oliver Sue Herod
Hilary Rogers Sara White Terry Gardener Pete Webb Fiona Steeds
1. Apologies
Apologies were received from Mick Bendeaux, John Otley, Chris Rispin and Neil Fozard.
2. Previous Minutes
The Minutes of the previous meeting were signed as a true record.
3. Matters Arising
Kitchen re-vamp - MB had handed over quote from Martin Weaver to SW. Price quoted is £5895.27 for new units and laminate worktop. Granite worktops would cost another £1800 and corian £2000. Servery area would be £1924.59 plus £558 for granite or £600 for corian. Quotes exclude flooring, lighting and locks on cupboards. A fundraiser will be required. SW will circulate drawings via email/website.
Checklist – ongoing
Playground bin – ongoing
Drama quote – A second quote is being arranged. Drama Group have applied for a grant. They are holding a Murder Mystery night in November to raise funds.
Art Group – Letter sent but no reply has been received.
Car Park Entrance – Tim Watts is going to repair the wall and AS to ask him about possible fencing sited at top of slopes as children are still riding bikes across the area.
Hall Boundary Line – AS still waiting for reply from Sue Hope.
4. Treasurer’s Report
Treasurer’s Report was distributed. Playgroup are now paying by Standing Order.
5 Emergency Lighting/Fire Bells/Extinguishers
New Batteries needed for emergency lighting. Annual check carried out on fire equipment but CE reported that one extinguisher in the kitchen had been overlooked as well as a fire blanket behind the stage. MB to ask company to return and check these.
6. Playground Check
One screw missing on equipment. Not any danger to children, but CE will replace. Cleaning up still needs to be done. It was suggested that it might be better to pay someone to do it, given the scale of the job.
7. Meter Readings
CE has checked level of oil in tank to assess usage. It is about 9” from top at present. Electric meter reading is 203194 and Water Meter is at 376.898
8. Correspondence
MB confirmed that he had passed Kitchen quotes to Sara.
Notes from MB regarding Drama quote. MB proposes that we pay £500 towards insulation costs and do not charge them for holding their November fundraiser. He has applied to Sth Glos for a £500 grant. Will not hear until Autumn if successful, but he has booked the Hall for half term week in October for builder to do the work.
9. Any Other Business
Neighbours in Cropready House have requested list of bookings for Village Hall, particularly at weekends. AS suggested they look at website. FS to write to them with details. SH reported difficulty accessing website.
Ballet Barre is broken, but TG advised that it was damaged during a ballet session and that they will repair it.
AS considering a revamp of Hall Booking Form. SW to email most recent version to him. It was confirmed that current price for Table Hire is £10.00 including table linen and laundering of same, or £5.00 table only.
CE reported that two long tables are missing from the Hall.
There will be an Energy Day in the Hall on Saturday 4th October with information on various energy and money saving tips. Energy Group will have their plans on show.
10. Date of next meeting
The date of the next meeting will be Monday 11 August 2008 at 7.45pm.
There being no further business the meeting was closed at 2035 hrs.