Hawkesbury Upton Village Hall - Hire for Weddings, Parties, Stage for Live music

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July 09

Hall + Parish > The Hall > 2009 Mins


Minutes of Meeting
Held on Monday 13 July 2009

Angelo Sauro Mick Bendeaux Pat Sherry Sam Allen
Hilary Rogers Fiona Steeds Terry Gardener

1. Apologies
Apologies received from John Otley, Pete Webb, Sue Webb, Neil Fozard Sara White and Chris Rispin.

2. Previous Minutes
The Minutes of the previous meeting were signed as a true record.

3. Matters Arising
Hall Boundary
- ongoing
Hall Decoration – AS/NF have compiled a list of what needs to be done and given it to Sue Hewer who says she is happy to do some of the work.
Energy update – Nothing to report.
Bonfire night – Ongoing.
Fencing – Carl has erected the two panels. MB has billed Cropready.
Electrical check – AS to ask Steve Watts to fit push button security light before the winter.
Fire Action notices – JO pointed out that Notice in upstairs room has not been completed. MB to do this.
Keys – Chris Edwards still has keys – AS to ask for these to be returned.
Under-stage Storage Trolley – Ongoing.

4. Treasurer’s Report
Treasurer’s Report is attached. Race Night was not well attended but did raise £570 which has gone to the Improvement Fund.

5. Emergency Lighting/Fire Bells/Extinguishers
All ok. AS/TG to liaise re Fire Bell check.

6. Playground Check
CR carried out this month’s check (attached).

7. Meter Readings
TG provided readings: Electricity 214509; Water 557/381; Oil 3’ 11.
8. Correspondence
Cheque from Sth Glos Council for £152.50 for use of Hall for European Elections.

9. Any Other Business
Following problems with broken glass in Hall following various functions, AS/MB have purchased plastic glasses. These were used on Friday for the first time and were well received. This should prevent future injuries (though still possibility of broken bottles).

MB has received request to stage musical in Hall for audience of 200. PS/SA advised that seating capacity is 120.

SA kindly donated Dyson vacuum cleaner to Hall. MB thanked her for this.

Gazebo was borrowed for PROPS do last Sunday and not yet returned. AS to follow up.

Height of Disabled Access still causing problems. MB to ask Carl to look at it.

Karate cancelled their Sunday session due to “sticky” floor. SH had thoroughly cleaned it and Karate used it Monday so AS wondered why Sunday was a problem. MB advised that it is a different teacher on Sundays. SH is not happy with finish on floor when she uses cleaning products provided. AS suggested getting someone to look at it. MB to arrange.

SA advised that new “grass roots” grants are available. She will email details to MB.

Hilary brought in the Steamer.

AS has spoken to the Ayers re. Memorial for Lyn Atherton. They are in favour of a tree or bench. PS suggested a Crab Apple Tree by the Playground to give shade.

TG reported that the Hall doors were left open as a hirer had assumed Buffs were upstairs – they were not. Also, Badminton have not been using their let on Mondays and didn’t advise TG. AS asked TG if he could compile a list of email addresses for regular users so that we can keep them informed (and vice versa) more easily.

10. Date of next meeting
The next meeting will be held on Monday 10 August at 7.45pm.

There being no further business the meeting was closed at 2025hrs.

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