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Minutes of Meeting
Held on Monday 13 February 2011
Angelo Sauro Mick Bendeaux Terry Gardener Kate Bashford
Fiona Steeds Hilary Rogers Pat Sherry Sue Webb Pete Webb
Neil Fozard Vicky Rispin Debbie Young Kath Harkness Neil Fozard
1. Apologies
Apologies received from Louise Roberts.
2. Previous Minutes
The Minutes of the previous meeting were signed as a true record.
3. Matters Arising
Sara White – AS announced Sara’s resignation from the Committee and thanked her for all the hard work she has undertaken.
Energy update – should have an update for next meeting.
Chair Cleaning – MB suggested we offer to pay the girls group doing World Challenge for cleaning chairs – possibly after Big Breakfast. FS to ask them.
Socket outside kitchen – Steve Watts has agreed to do this.
Parking – PS supplied an Honesty Box which NF will fix to wall and supply a notice and padlock. DY to raise the matter again with the school.
Fundraiser 5/3/11 – MB has tickets which are £5.00 each. Committee to try to sell as many as possible.
Hall Heating – WI previously complained that Hall heating had gone off during their meeting. AS had found that radiators had been switched off and are now back on. He will check boiler timings.
Pre-School – are happy to sort removable noticeboards.
Curtains – blackout blinds were suggested and NF wondered if Drama might cover cost. PS to follow up.
Wish list (Pending)
These are items which will be put on hold until funds are available:
Crockery; Lee’s Lights; Playground repairs; New Kitchen; Bench for Playground
4. Treasurer’s Report
Treasurer’s Report was distributed and is attached.
5. Emergency Lighting/Fire Bells/Extinguishers & Meter Readings
Emergency checks all carried out by TG. There is definitely a Fire Extinguisher missing from kitchen. MB thinks there is a spare one in the bar.
TG supplied readings: Electricity 233592; Water 796/288; Oil 3’10”
6. Playground Check
NF has done checks. More screws have been loosened on equipment. Chris Taylor has promised to try and find the tool. DY asked if it would be possible to have another bench in the play area, possibly under shade. Added to wish list as funds are not available. AS to ask Parish Council if they could fund this.
7. Correspondence
Lorraine had a request from Friends of Horton School who want to camp on Rec and have BBQ on 9/7/11. They would need access to toilets overnight. MB suggested we take booking and charge £100. If we get a subsequent booking for the Hall it would be with the proviso that they share facilities.
MB also had an enquiry from a group of 200 bikers who want to hire the hall for a weekend in November. They would want evening meals served on Fri & Sat plus breakfast on two mornings. MB to pencil booking in diary but Committee were concerned that this would be too much work for us and for the impact on the village. Further discussion at next meeting.
AS had note from Parish Council regarding trees and boundaries with Cropready House. We need to clarify who is responsible for what. CR has offered to check plans.
8. Any Other Business
MB suggested we organise a Christmas Raffle but Pre-school said that this was already one of their main fundraising activities.
Breakfast Fundraiser – MB has list of what is needed from previous events. Volunteers to be available from 8.30am. MB will email details and sort out what everyone can do.
Fundraiser 5/3/11 – MB suggested asking Max Cole’s band to do a half hour warm up stint. AS to check with Nicola Kendall that this is ok. Bar staff will be needed.
MB suggested donating a Hall Hire to the PTA Pledge Auction, so long as it is for a function where the bar is used. This was agreed.
Bank Account – Sara White’s name to be removed as signatory and FS to be added. This was agreed.
Summer Fun Day – date to be arranged at next meeting.
Lee’s Lights – VR said that Parish Mag are still prepared to sponsor costs if this is going ahead. We will need an electrician - MB to speak to Steve Watts.
TG asked if booking Sandra Rouse had made for Hawkesbury’s Got Talent was going ahead as it has never been confirmed. CR to find out. TG suggested that in future we ask for deposits within a timeframe to avoid this sort of thing happening.
9. Date of next meeting
The date of the next meeting will be Monday 14 March at 7.45pm.
There being no further business the meeting was closed at 2040hrs.