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Minutes of Meeting
Held on Monday 11th February 2008
Angelo Sauro Mick Bendeaux Sara White Chris Rispin Chris Edwards
Sue Herod Peter Webb Gill Oliver John Otley Sam Allen
Kath Harkness Pat Sherry Terry Gardener Neil Fozard Fiona Steeds
Sue Hope (present for part of meeting)
1. Apologies
Apologies were received from Hilary Rogers and Vicky Rispin.
2. Previous Minutes
The minutes of the previous meeting were signed as a true record.
3. Matters Arising
Kitchen re-vamp - ongoing
Checklist – ongoing
Show Committee – Materials have now been moved from side of building
Foyer tiling – ongoing
Eyelets in Hall – ongoing
Radiator valve – done
Playground bin – MB to look at cost of replacing with same style as one near football pitch
Playgroup Alcove – see correspondence
Drama quote – AS to liaise with Sue Herod
Under stage storage – NF reported that hinges repaired but long term doors need replacing
4. Treasurer’s Report
MB reported that a cheque for £450 had been received from the Parish Council
to help towards refurbishment of upstairs office space.
Breakfast event raised £203 plus voucher of £20 from Tesco and £5 from
Morrison (these arrived too late but are available for future use).
Mick very concerned that Playgroup are now three months in arrears. SW to
contact them.
5 Emergency Lighting/Fire Bells/Extinguishers
All OK
6. Playground Check
Wicksteads have not yet received delivery of swing seats.
7. Correspondence
Following Playgroup’s request to use bar alcove for their Sandpit, and lighting
having been put in place, they are now asking to leave the sandpit there
all week. This was rejected as it would inconvenience other Hall users.
AS advised that an audit by the Sustainable Energy Group will be carried out
on the Hall on 12.02.08. They will then advise what grants are available to us.
Louise Roberts wrote regarding a visit by Judges of the Village of the Year
competition on 23 April from 2.30-4.30pm. Hall to be made available from 1pm
to 5.30pm for setting up/clearing of displays by Community Groups. Afternoon
Teas will be served. NF proposed we host this event and that Committee
members advise their groups to arrange for displays to be prepared and to
liaise with Louise.
Thanks to Sam for forwarding the website letter.
AS/SA to liaise regarding how best to promote this in the Village
10. Any Other Business
TG has request for booking for 15 year old’s party from W-U-E. Due to
recent problems at similar events it was decided to refuse.
Sue Hopes asked if demo of Internet access in Hall could be available on day
Village of the Year judges are around. Could this also be available to Parish
Council? AS/SA to arrange.
Danny Blakeney to receive Community Long Service Award. SH asked if Hall
would host a presentation event. This was agreed.
SH advised that the £450 donation from the Parish Council was to be used to
help towards Disabled Access. A letter stipulating this should have been sent
with cheque but was not.
CE requested a note in the Parish Mag asking people who use the composting
facilities to clear up any mess they leave.
A request for new basketball net. CE to attend to this.
11. Date of next meeting
The date of the next meeting will be Monday 10 March 2008.
There being no further business the meeting was closed at 2050 hrs.