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Minutes of Meeting held on Monday 14th August 2007
Present: Angelo Sauro Mick Bendeaux Sara White Chris Rispin Sam Allen
Chris Chubb Sue Hope John Otley Peter Webb Pat Sherry
Sue Herod
1. Apologies
Apologies were received from Chris Edwards, Gill Oliver and Neil Fozard
2. Previous Minutes
The minutes of the previous meeting were amended and agreed
3. Matters Arising
Toilet refurb All electrics now done though some queries passed on to Steve Watts for his comments. No shutters on outside of extractor fans. Paul Blackwell has been asked to decorate the ceilings in the washrooms. Corridor and foyer has now been painted.
CRB checks CE has said this will be obtained by next meeting. It was agreed that any committee member without a CRB check shall not be permitted into the hall on hall business whilst hirers are present.
Guttering This has now been fixed, as have two steps at stage emergency exit and filling in mat well by Tom Cole
Fire Alarm Risk Assessment Ongoing
Kitchen revamp Ongoing
Bonfire Night South Glos may have some guidance re: risk assessment
Check list Ongoing
Fruit Bats AS will produce invitations and email poster for inclusion in the Parish Mag.
4. Treasurers Report
No report
6. Emergency Lighting/Fire bells/extinguishers
Some non-urgent battery replacements in hand for emergency lights.
7. Playground Check
No concerns to report
Letter received from NatWest Bank saying that we have been awarded £250 from J K Stirrup Deceased Charitable Trust.
9. Any Other Business
Grant has been received for £1800 from Community Chest. This will go towards tiling the corridor and foyer.
Some lads have been cycling up and down the banks by the entrance to the car park. We have asked them to use the bike track but they find the jumps too big down there. They have been advised that they may modify jumps to suit.
At function on Friday night, people were smoking outside and depositing cigarette ends and packets on the floor. Have a bin that needs to be affixed to wall.
Some bar stock was out of date and therefore we need to check more regularly.
The Show, in association with Wickwar Breweries, is holding a beer festival with bands on the Sunday following Show Day. Relevant licenses etc (Temporary Event Notice) have been obtained. Neighbours need to be notified. In future, Hall committee would appreciate being notified of any such events prior to organisation. Although the hall itself is not required, electricity will still need to be supplied. It was pointed out that a charge cannot be made to access the field, but will be ok to access the marquee itself.
We have new neighbours at Cropready. SW to write to them to welcome and mention beer festival.
Meeting 12 September re community – S Hope feels hall representative should attend
Grants are available for sustainable energy. Tockington village hall did a feasibility study on this matter and have installed a ground source heat pump.
Buffs are querying having to pay for the hall for setting up time if no one else is hiring the hall at the time. All hall users have to pay for the entire time they are in the hall with no exceptions to this.
Hawkesbury has won the local Village of the Year competition. We are now entered into the National finals.
Leyhill will supply labour for projects if we supply the materials.
10. Date and Time of Next Meeting
The date of the next meeting is Monday 10 September at 7.45pm
There being no further business, the meeting was closed at 2200hrs