Hawkesbury Upton Village Hall - Hire for Weddings, Parties, Stage for Live music

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Chairmans Report 2008

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Committee Report for 2008

Once more our thanks go to all the members of the Committee who have provided their time and energy in the ceaseless task of maintaining the availability of the Village Hall for the multitude of hirers. The provision of the website showing comprehensive booking details and the ability to complete an electronic booking form propels us into modern times. Our thanks go to Angelo Sauro, our Chairperson, for the provision of this and to Terry Gardener, our Booking Secretary, for the maintenance of the calendar.

The continuation of regular lettings has provided us with a steady income over the year and in spite of the huge increases in the cost of oil and electricity, our letting income comfortably covers our running costs. The balance at the Bank at the end of 2008 was around £7,000 giving us a healthy cushion against any unexpected costs. We will continue to fundraise for specific projects and we give thanks to all of you who attend these functions. During 2008 these projects included the completion of the new toilets with the installation of the alarm system from the disabled toilet, replacing the tiles in the foyer and passageways and the construction of a storage area above the bar (built in conjunction with the Drama storage project which they funded).
We have further projects already planned to take place during 2009 and these are as follows:

Firstly we will decorate the Hall throughout and this has been scheduled to take place during the Easter break, so as to not disrupt too many Hall users. The next task is to complete a long outstanding project, a permanent access ramp at the front entrance. We do have an access ramp at the rear side entrance (stage left area, fire escape) and a temporary front ramp but we need a more substantial ramp for better access, plus minor changes internally to accommodate wheelchairs. The third task will be to revamp the kitchen and servery areas.

All these projects require fundraising and or grants and a special thanks to our Treasurer for his relentless searching and form filling for grants in the past and for ones already in the pipeline.

Angelo Sauro, Mick Bendeaux & Fiona Steeds
Chairman, Treasurer & Secretary

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