Hawkesbury Upton Village Hall - Hire for Weddings, Parties, Stage for Live music

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Apr 09

Hall + Parish > The Hall > 2009 Mins


Minutes of Meeting
Held on Tuesday 14 April 2009

Angelo Sauro Mick Bendeaux John Otley Sara White Chris Rispin
Neil Fozard Fiona Steeds Terry Gardener Sam Allen

1. Apologies
Apologies received from Hilary Rogers, Sue & Pete Webb and Pat Sherry.

2. Previous Minutes
The Minutes of the previous meeting were signed as a true record.

3. Matters Arising
Hall Boundary
- ongoing
Leyhill - work continues but they may not complete the whole building. All walls have been done everywhere except main meeting room (to be done Monday)and kitchen. Foyer and stairs being done today, with rest of items, lke rads and woodwork etc. over the next few days. Hall ceiling to be patched Thursday (Artex) by Steve Pritchard and then touched up on Friday by Leyhill mob. TG offered to get the brown paint for doors so that these can be done.
Energy update
– Project Development Grant has been applied for and hall cost is around £662 as only 75% PDG is available. This enables us to stand a better chance of getting a capital grant. Committee unanimously agreed to funding this.
Bonfire night - ongoing
Fundraisers Race night - advertised, but need to push this next month and think of other ideas.
Safety Checklist - produced by Chris Rispin. He has also organised a rota.
Fencing for next door - panels delivered, Carl will fit.
Periodic Electric check - taking place today by Steve Watts, minor repairs required:
Plug on stage and one by hatch in main hall.
Also asked him to replace the cover for the conduit high up on ceiling.
Main hall light diffusers have been ordered, pick up and fit this week.
Fire Action notices - are in place but need re-writing
Small Gazebo has been donated by the Beaufort Bureau, in upstairs store room. AS thanked Sam for this.
Bar Staff required for 25 April function. Sara offered and will ask David Anderson.
Chair & table hire request for the 18 July is agreed. MB to contact Nina.
Disabled Access – work needs to be started as Planning Permission is due to expire. MB has now advised that builder will start Tues 5 May and should finish by Thurs 7.

4. Treasurer’s Report
Treasurer’s Report was distributed and is attached.

5. Emergency Lighting/Fire Bells/Extinguishers
AS is contacting CE for information on these checks.

6. Playground Check
Completed as per CR’s checklist (above).

7. Meter Readings
TG provided readings: Electricity 212033; Water 497/424; Oil 90cm (35.5)

8. Correspondence
No correspondence.

9. Any Other Business
SA advised that she had been contacted by Chris Edwards regarding a key he had lost. TG has the key.
MB asked SA for key to drama room, so that a spare can be made and kept in the safe.

TG raised the point of people leaving posters around the village after events have taken place. JO reported that Parish Council had already requested via Parish Mag that these be taken down.

10. Date of next meeting
The next meeting will be held on Monday 11 May at 7.45pm.

There being no further business the meeting was closed at 2015hrs.

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