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Minutes of Meeting
Held on Monday 8 November 2010
Angelo Sauro Mick Bendeaux Terry Gardener Louise Roberts Sam Allen
Fiona Steeds Chris Rispin Pat Sherry Hilary Rogers Neil Fozard
1. Apologies
Apologies received from Sara White, Sue Webb and Pete Webb
2. Previous Minutes
The Minutes of the previous meeting were signed as a true record.
3. Matters Arising
Hall Boundary – Trees belong to Cropready House – matter now in Parish Council hands.
Energy update – Nothing to report.
Sports Equipment – This seems to belong to Youth Club. MB to ask KH if they want it.
Chair Cleaning – AS to liaise with HR.
Photocopier – Nobody wants it. PW has already offered to arrange disposal.
Carpet – this is moving and needs some tape. PW to be asked to speak to Gerry.
Hand Dryer. AS has swapped the one from the disabled toilet into the ladies. A new one to be sourced for the disabled loo.
Ramp – it was suggested that the builder be asked to look at the Ramp as the surface should have lasted longer than it has.
Socket outside kitchen – Andy Musty has referred this to the Show Committee. LR to follow up and ensure he knows we won’t pay for this.
Parking – LR offered to mention that we charge £50 per car per year to Beaufort House to school, as school staff are using the car park free of charge.
Phone - still not working. AS to fix.
Bonfire Night – very successful. Money to be put aside to cover costs for next year. It has not been decided what to do with profit. LR asked if sparklers could be available next year.
Bookings Secretary – Someone has offered to do the bookings/calendar part of the job and MB said he would be prepared to open up the Hall. Wait to see if anyone else applies in response to the advert.
Wish list (Pending)
These are items which will be put on hold until funds are available:
Crockery; Lee’s Lights (cost to be determined); Playground repairs
4. Treasurer’s Report
Report was distributed at the Meeting. We must fund raise and MB suggested another Breakfast plus the Nicola Kendall concert/dance.
5. Emergency Lighting/Fire Bells/Extinguishers & Meter Readings
Emergency checks all carried out by TG. MB to replace batteries in Exit light.
TG supplied readings: Electricity 229775; Water 759/899; Oil 3’5”
6. Playground Check
TG distributed the report. NF advised that Chris Taylor has the tool needed to fix the bolts. AS/NF to liaise with Chris and arrange repairs.
AS asked LR to ask Parish Council if they would take on responsibility for upkeep as it is part of the village facilities.
LR suggested we ask families to help with clean up of slippery surface. She will ask the school to request helpers for Sunday 21 November at 10.30am to do a clean up. This coincides with Hall table top sale. CR offered to supervise clean up.
7. Correspondence
8. Any Other Business
Table Top Sale is booked for Sunday 21 from 9-12am. Food and drinks will be available. Several Committee members offered to help on the day.
Drama and WI complained about tables being stored in Chair Cupboard. MB explained that it is more practical to have trolley with tables in that cupboard allowing easier access to square tables. AS said overall storage arrangements would be reviewed. NF offered to look at possibility of a trolley system for the square tables.
TG reported that someone had taken down the Ofsted and Parking notices from the Board.
TG asked where toolbox is as he had been unable to find it. AS said it was on top of the cupboard behind the bar.
The Santa decoration which has previously been at the school is now in the upstairs cupboard. SA suggested a clear out of this cupboard which would free up storage space.
Lee’s Lights – LR advised that this is the last year Mike & Julie are doing the Xmas lights. We need to decide if Hall Committee wish to take this on after consultation with the Gardeners as to what is involved cost/labour wise.
TG asked if central heating clock had been adjusted since clocks went back. AS/TG to sort.
SA to email AS details of grants which may be useful to Energy Group.
9. Date of next meeting
The next meeting will be held on Monday 13 December 2010 at 7.45pm.
There being no further business the meeting was closed at 2055hrs.