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Minutes of Meeting
Held on Monday 9th November 2009
Angelo Sauro Fiona Steeds Terry Gardener John Otley
Pat Sherry Mick Bendeaux Chris Rispin
1. Apologies
Apologies received from Neil Fozard, Sue & Pete Webb & Sara White
2. Previous Minutes
The Minutes of the previous meeting were signed as a true record.
3. Matters Arising
Hall Boundary – ongoing. Planners have been in touch.
Energy update – proposals are to insulate building, replace boiler, and install ground heat pump and wind turbine. Costs should all be covered by grants except £4500 for radiators. An open day is to be arranged asap (poss 21/11) to let Villagers see the plans and comment.
Bonfire night – was a great success. Estimated profit is £500 which will go to next year’s fund. Will ask for cash donations rather than fireworks next time.
Electrical check – AS has phoned Steve Watts and is awaiting a call back.
Under-stage Storage Trolley – MB has sorted this with Karate.
Email Addresses – TG has all of these now except Sunday eve Karate.
Sports Equipment – football have taken what they wanted. AS to follow up with SW to see if anyone else wants what is left.
Chair Cleaning – ongoing. AS to speak to Chris Webster.
4. Treasurer’s Report
MB distributed the Report.
5. Emergency Lighting/Fire Bells/Extinguishers & Meter Readings
All checks OK. TG reported that bracket holding Fire Extinguisher in main hall needs fixing. He has removed it and placed it on stage as temporary measure.
TG provided readings: Electricity 217649; Water 810/414; Oil 3’.
6. Playground Check
TG offered to do this month’s check in NF’s absence.
The problem of moss/algae on tiles has worsened. MB to speak to Gill Oliver.
7. Correspondence
No correspondence.
8. Any Other Business
MB proposed a Christmas Disco fundraising event for the 19 of December*.
He will speak to Steve Harkness. We would need to decorate the Hall and get a tree (there wasn’t one last year).
* This has been confirmed for 12 December since the meeting
PS reported that a large quantity of Hawthorn had been dumped on composting site. Andy Musty has offered to sort hinge on gate to prevent people driving in and doing this. This means that combination for gate needs to be kept in safe in case of emergency access being required.
PS also advised that the tree planted in memory of Lyn Keating had been damaged – top broken off.
TG reported that Karate had left the doors open last Thursday evening. MB to speak to Stan.
10. Date of next meeting
The next meeting will be held on Monday 14 December at 7.45pm.
There being no further business the meeting was closed at 2100hrs.