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Minutes of Meeting
Held on Monday 10th May 2010
Angelo Sauro Terry Gardener Neil Fozard Hilary Rogers
Mick Bendeaux Pete Webb Fiona Steeds Chris Rispin
1. Apologies
Apologies received from John Otley, Pat Sherry & Sue Webb
2. Previous Minutes
The Minutes of the previous meeting were signed as a true record.
3. Matters Arising
Hall Boundary – ongoing.
Extractor Fans – work done. We had to pay £100 insurance excess and for the grill.
Energy update – Nothing to report.
Sports Equipment – ongoing. NF/TG to arrange.
Chair Cleaning – still awaiting feedback from Chris Webster.
Photocopier – ongoing – MB to arrange.
Crockery – still not found so decision made to buy more, perhaps with a slight pattern and to be kept in the bar area. Committee to try and get prices.
Front Wall – no quote from TW, so AS to ask someone else.
Bar – almost done – only a wall unit to be put up and tiling behind sink. NF offered to do this work.
Bins – ongoing MB
WI Book Box – NF offered to put up shelf but HR felt it would be awkward and said that WI would move the box out when there is a function on in the Hall.
4. Treasurer’s Report
Report distributed.
5. Emergency Lighting/Fire Bells/Extinguishers & Meter Readings
Emergency checks all carried out by TG. However he could not access Fire Extinguishers/Blankets as PTA were using Hall.
Fire Blanket at back of stage is still missing. MB to source
TG supplied readings: Electricity 224341; Oil 22”; Water 699/182
6. Playground Check
TG carried out checks. MB has ordered swing seats from Wickstead. CR is awaiting call back from supplier regarding climbing frame panel.
Tom Cole has not yet reseeded bonfire area. AS to follow up.
7. Correspondence
8. Any Other Business
Louise Roberts has asked if the Committee would allow the Hall to become a venue for Guide/Brownie “Camps”. This would mostly be at weekends and involve sleepovers in the Hall. The Committee were in favour in principle but would like more information. LR to let us know what other venues charge.
NF has looked at the bin on the Rec and thinks it will be ok if we use bin liners, rather than having to replace it.
NF commented on the untidy appearance of the Car Park and suggested a tidy up of moss etc. He also felt the disabled access handrail is an eyesore, but we do not have the funds to finish it off.
AS suggested another Breakfast fundraiser. We will hold this on 20 June which is Father’s Day. MB to put this in Parish Mag.
As we still need to raise more money, PW suggested a Comedy Evening. He will get prices for this. TG to provisionally reserve Hall for 26/6/10 and 10/7/10.
TG advised that we need to mark out the disabled parking space and CR suggested we also put a notice on the wall. PW offered to supply paint.
10. Date of next meeting
The next meeting will be held on Monday 14 June 2010 at 7.45pm.
There being no further business the meeting was closed at 2045hrs.