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Oct 07

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Minutes of Meeting
Monday 8 October 2007

Present: Angelo Sauro Mick Bendeaux Chris Rispin Gill Oliver
John Otley Pat Sherry Neil Fozard

1. Apologies
Sara White, Sue Herod, Peter Webb, Sue Hope

2. Adoption of previous Meeting Minutes

The minutes of the previous meeting were signed as a true record.

3 Matters Arising from previous Meeting Minutes

Toilet refurb
Mick met with Steve Watts onsite and so far shutters to fans have been fitted. Alarm to be completed by Steve but question regarding the 2 x low voltage lights that have been fitted. Also the disabled toilet door now need to be trimmed to fit over new tiles that have been fitted in the corridor
The ceilings still have not been looked at by Paul Blackwell. Need to see who else may be able to finish off this part.

CRB checks
CE’s Interview completed, await certificate in post.

Fire Alarm Risk
Sign has been erected next to play area.

Kitchen re-vamp

Check list
CR has sent out a check list and comments have been made,
CR to reissue.
MB will make a Bar checklist and issue to all for comments.

Fruit Bats
A good evening had by all and £300 profit made even though it was not strictly a fundraiser.
However we must ensure that in future we have enough people at the end of evening for clearing up as Sara was left on her own to tidy up.

Cigarette bin
NF has installed

Show committee Items
All cleared, except some old trestle tables that need storing elsewhere. Also some concrete blocks that will need moving MB to speak to Show Committee about these two items.

Foyer revamp
All tiling done, although some that were uneven & raised had to be removed and re fixed. There remains a problem with the kitchen door in that it does not shut AS to speak to Adrian plus there are some sharp edges on a few tiles that need looking at.

Eyelets in Hall
Perhaps install around 10 or so and see if they get used

Village Hall Website
Many people have seen it and positive comments so far, need more content and ideas and forward to AS.

4. Treasurers Report

This was distributed at the meeting and comments made regarding bin costs.
MB to find out what the Pubs pay for comparison.

5. Emergency Lighting/Fire Bells/Extinguishers

All OK and battery replacement ongoing

6. Playground Check

One swing seat is broken so we need to order two more.

7. Correspondence

Sara has handed in her resignation although will continue with bookings till
end of October.

We need to find another secretary and will advertise in the parish magazine,
in the mean time CR to put up ad in shop .

8. AOB

One of the ladies toilet doors needs oiling.

10. Date and Time of next meeting

The date of the next meeting is Monday 12 November at 7.45pm
There being no further business, the meeting was closed at 2100hrs

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