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AGM 2010 Minutes

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Minutes of Annual General Meeting
Held on Monday 8th February 2010

Present: Angelo Sauro, Mick Bendeaux, Sara White, Chris Rispin, Sue Herod, Peter Webb, Gill Oliver, John Otley, Sam Allen, Pat Sherry, Terry Gardener, Neil Fozard, Fiona Steeds, Vicky Rispin.

1. Apologies
Apologies were received from Hilary Rogers.

2. Previous Minutes
The minutes of the previous AGM were signed as a true record.

3. Matters Arising

4. Chairperson's Report
This was read out at the meeting and is attached to the Minutes

5. Treasurer's Report
This was read out at the meeting and is attached to the Minutes
The treasurer proposed that current Hall hire charges should remain unchanged this year.

6. Election of Officers

Vice-chair - Chris Rispin was proposed by Sue Herod, seconded by Pat Sherry
Treasurer - Mick Bendeaux was proposed by Chris Rispin, seconded by Neil Fozard
Secretary - Fiona Steeds was proposed by Sara White, seconded by Mick Bendeaux

All present agreed.

7. Election of committee members

Bookings Secretary- Terry Gardener
Parish Council Rep - John Otley
Evergreens - Mandy (representative rather than committee member)
Buffs - Peter Webb
Pre School - Angela Walker
British Legion - Sam Allen
WI - Hilary Rogers
Badminton - Chris Chubb ?
Drama - Sue Herod
PCC - Hilary Rogers
PTA - Sara White
Youth Club - Kath Harkness
HURG - Pat Sherry
Cricket Club - Chris Rispin
FoSM - Neil Fozard
Show Committee - Vicky Rispin
Village representatives - Gillian Oliver

8. Any Other Business

9. Date of next AGM
The date of the next AGM will be 14th February 2011.
There being no further business the meeting was closed at 7.55pm.

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