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Minutes of Meeting
Held on Monday 10 January 2011
Angelo Sauro Mick Bendeaux Terry Gardener Kate Bashford Sam Allen
Fiona Steeds Hilary Rogers Pat Sherry Sue Webb Pete Webb
Neil Fozard Sara White
1. Apologies
Apologies received from Louise Roberts, Chris Rispin and Lorraine Rutter
2. Previous Minutes
The Minutes of the previous meeting were signed as a true record.
3. Matters Arising
Energy update – ongoing.
Chair Cleaning – ongoing.
Carpet – done.
Socket outside kitchen – ongoing.
Parking – School do not seem prepared to pay. PS to look into the cost of an Honesty Box. Ramblers regularly use car park but AS thinks we are advertised as “free car park” in Ramblers magazine. He will investigate.
Lee’s Lights –Mike & Martin Gardener are happy to continue to put up/take down Lee’s Lights. We can store them in Hall. AS will ask Steve Watts if he is prepared to do electricals and what he would charge. If Parish Mag can pay his costs we should be able to carry on with Lee’s Lights.
Fundraiser – Nicola Kendall booked for 5/3/11. They are also bringing paying guests. MB suggested £5 per ticket. Event to be advertised.
Wish list (Pending)
These are items which will be put on hold until funds are available:
Crockery; Lee’s Lights; Playground repairs; New Kitchen
4. Treasurer’s Report
No report available. MB has books ready for audit. Bank Balance at end of year was £2500.
5. Emergency Lighting/Fire Bells/Extinguishers & Meter Readings
Emergency checks all carried out by TG. Fire Alarm is beeping - new battery required. There may be a Fire Extinguisher missing from kitchen.
TG supplied readings: Electricity 230959; Water 771/953; Oil 1’10”
6. Playground Check
NF hasn’t been able to do checks. Bad weather has prevented painting being done. AS to ask Chris Taylor about tool. SW thought Chris Edwards may have had this.
7. Correspondence
8. Any Other Business
WI thought Hall was cold at their last meeting and Buffs had trouble with upstairs radiators.
KB reported that Pre-school had found two windows left open on Monday morning.
Curtains have been missing from upstairs internal windows since Hall was decorated.
TG advised that Karate have complained about sand being left on the floor after Pre-school sessions. KB to ask them only to use tiled area by bar for sandpit.
Pre-school would like another key fob. SW may have a box of them at home.
Crockery still needs to be topped up or replaced as we do not have enough when there is a large function on. Stainless steel vegetable dishes are also missing.
SA suggested tidy of upstairs storage cupboard. FS to ask Kath Harkness to remove Youth Club stuff from this cupboard by the end of the month. AS thought a general tidy of Hall is needed. Cooker needs professional clean. MB suggested waiting till after Breakfast Fundraiser (6/3/11).
Pre-school want to have notice boards put up in Hall. Committee OK with this so long as they use the hooks which boards can be attached to and that they are taken down at the end of each week.
9. Date of next meeting
The date of the next meeting will be Monday 14 February at 7.30pm for the AGM, followed immediately by the normal meeting.
There being no further business the meeting was closed at 2040hrs.