Hawkesbury Upton Village Hall - Hire for Weddings, Parties, Stage for Live music

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Oct 11

Hall + Parish > The Hall > 2011 Mins


Minutes of Meeting
Held on Monday 10 October 2011

Chris Rispin Fiona Steeds Pat Sherry Angelo Sauro
Neil Fozard Bryan Robins Mick Bendeaux Louise Roberts
Kath Harkness Sue Webb Pete Webb Dave Anderson

1. Apologies
Apologies were received from Terry Gardener, Hilary Rogers and Kate Bashford

2. Previous Minutes
The Minutes of the previous meeting were signed as a true statement.

3. Matters Arising
– External light doesn’t stay on long enough and needs adjusting. Light in the car park is not working – it is our responsibility to fix it.
Insurance – No details of insurance for October event have been received.
Stage Curtains - PS advised that the problem with the new curtains has been rectified.
Skatepark – DA advised that details of comments from the Open Day are on the Hawksnest website. Fundraising continues - £30,000 needs to be raised before quotes can be obtained. Several grants have been applied for. BR/AS mentioned concerns about groups of youths gathering in the area, but it was felt that it would not attract youngsters from outside the Hawkesbury area. MB reported that our Hall Insurance will not cover the skatepark. DA acknowledged this and said they will take responsibility for insurance cover. BR highlighted the need to make allowances for maintenance of the area. DA said that this will be looked at in due course.
Boundary CR feels we cannot progress until we find out who owns the boundary wall. AS to look into costs of a legal search.
Pre-School Outdoor Play Area – no update.
Kitchen – Tiles have been replaced. Dishwasher instructions have been laminated.
Heating – The boiler is not working properly. MB has asked Steve Blakeney to have a look. AS suggested changing radiator in bar servery to allow more space. AS to prepare an instruction sheet for heating.
October EventKH has organised food and helpers for the evening meals. AS
compiled list of helpers for breakfasts. Ann Weston getting food for this.
MB organising Bar staff. Any volunteers please let MB/AS know. LR said Guides would make table numbers. AS suggested buying large Gazebo for use at this and other events. A 6m x 3m would cost £145. This was agreed.
Wish list (Pending)
These are items which will be put on hold until funds are available:
New Kitchen; Bench for Playground; Stage Curtain Tabs & Lighting

4. Treasurer’s Report
This was distributed at the meeting.

5. Emergency Lighting/Fire Bells/Extinguishers & Meter Readings
Emergency checks all carried out by TG – all OK.

supplied readings: Electricity 238688; Water 920/351 Oil 3’6”

6. Playground Check
No report this month. CR and NF did some painting last weekend. Another coat is required.

7. Correspondence
Email from Debbie Young to say that she is no longer PTA representative on the Committee. Kate Bashford will take over from her.

KB emailed to say that Pre-School are holding a bingo evening on Saturday and asked if we could let people know.

8. Any Other Business

Christmas Lights – Parish magazine are sponsoring this. MB has put them in touch with Steve Watts. Event to take place 10 December.

BR passed on a copy of the Parish Council’s Risk Assessment. The only problems highlighted were sharp edges on bins, boundary wall (see above) and the trees at the front of the Hall may need attention – possible consultation by tree surgeon.

PS reported that Drama Group are concerned about the £2.00 per head cover charge for using crockery/cutlery as this would seriously affect their fundraising efforts. They asked if they could have a reduced rate since they have funded the new curtains. This was noted.

9. Date of next meeting

The date of the next meeting will be
Monday 14 November at 7.45pm in the Village Hall.

There being no further business the meeting was closed at 9.15pm.

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