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Minutes of Meeting
Held on Monday 12 January 2009
Angelo Sauro John Otley Hilary Rogers Mick Bendeaux Sara White
Pat Sherry Fiona Steeds Terry Gardener Neil Fozard Chris Rispin
1. Apologies
Apologies received from Sue & Pete Webb, Sue Hope and Chris Edwards.
2. Previous Minutes
The Minutes of the previous meeting were signed as a true record.
3. Matters Arising
First Aid Kit – on order.
Dishwasher – has been cleaned out.
Plastic Glasses – MB awaiting quote. They need to be durable and dishwasher proof
Badminton – MB will speak to Simon.
Velux Windows – NF has done a great job with these. He will sort the one in the Gents’ toilet when the weather is better.
Kitchen – It has been decided not to proceed with more quotes until we have the funds to carry out the work.
Hall Boundary Line – AS has emailed Planning and Conservation but neither have responded.
Leyhill – they are booked for Easter holidays (6-17 April). We need to let Hall Users know that the Hall will be unavailable during this period. WI have meeting scheduled for Tuesday 7 April. AS to arrange for Hall area to be left till the Wednesday. Work can be started upstairs first. AS to arrange for a “tower” to be available. Colour scheme to be similar to existing one, but doors will be brown. NF/AS to advise MB of paint quantities so he can approach B&Q for a donation.
Energy Group – nothing to report.
Bonfire Night – Andy Musty (Parish Council) is keen to organise a Bonfire Night/Fireworks Display on 5 November. He has volunteers to help. NF offered to liaise with him on our behalf. Would need to check we are insured for an event like this and perhaps a sub-committee can be formed nearer the time.
AGM – CR to arrange for advert in Parish Mag for AGM on Monday 9 February at 7.30pm.
4. Treasurer’s Report
Treasurer’s Report was not distributed. However, MB reported that we had a healthy bank balance of over £7,500 at the end of December 2008.
5. Emergency Lighting/Fire Bells/Extinguishers
CE emailed that repairs are to be completed.
6. Playground Check
Nothing to report.
7. Meter Readings
Water 463.811; Electricity 209210; Oil Tank 40 1/4” inches from top of sight tube.
8. Correspondence
Emails from CE (as above) and Sue Hope (re Bonfire Night).
9. Any Other Business
MB reported that Steve Watts had sent a bill for repairing sensor in Ladies Toilets which he has now paid. Steve also advised that we are due an Electrical Check. MB to arrange.
MB suggested that we should arrange another fundraiser. Suggestions were for a “Mama Mia” night, Race Night, Music or Meal. To be discussed at the next meeting.
PS reported that some of the radiators in the Hall had not been working properly when WI met during the cold weather. It is thought this may be due to an air lock. NF/TG/CR to investigate.
PS had also been told that South Glos website had Bill Fairney’s name as Hall Booking Rep. MB to investigate.
10. Date of next meeting
The next meeting will be Monday 9 February at 7.30pm for the AGM followed immediately by the normal meeting.
There being no further business the meeting was closed at 2055rs.