Hawkesbury Upton Village Hall - Hire for Weddings, Parties, Stage for Live music

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June 10

Hall + Parish > The Hall > 2010 Mins


Minutes of Meeting
Held on Monday 14 June 2010

Angelo Sauro Terry Gardener Neil Fozard Hilary Rogers
Sue Webb Pete Webb Fiona Steeds Chris Rispin
Pat Sherry Sam Allen Louise Roberts

1. Apologies
Apologies received from Sara White and Mick Bendeaux.

2. Previous Minutes
The Minutes of the previous meeting were signed as a true record.

3. Matters Arising
Hall Boundary – ongoing. We have been asked by Parish Council if we own the trees on the boundary with Cropready. AS suggested we get a boundary search done at a cost of £146. NF thinks Barry Hope may have a map showing this information and will report back before we go ahead with a search.
Energy update – Nothing to report.
Sports Equipment NF/TG have checked the equipment and will deliver it to the school.
Chair Cleaning – Chris Webster has not go back to us. AS suggested we try steam cleaning the chairs and HR is happy for us to use her machine. We will try one chair and if results are ok we must decide whether to do it ourselves or ask the cleaner if she would like the job.
PhotocopierLR to try and sell it at her jumble sale on Saturday. If not, PW will take it to a scrap dealer.
CrockerySW to follow up.
Front Wall – still no quotes.
Bar – ongoing. MB to get wall unit.
Bins NF has lined bin and re-attached it, so we should be able to use it with just a liner, and won’t need a new one.

4. Treasurer’s Report
Report distributed.

5. Emergency Lighting/Fire Bells/Extinguishers & Meter Readings
Emergency checks all carried out by TG. MB has replaced Fire Blanket.

supplied readings: Electricity 225334; Water 712/779
He could not access oil tank due to a shed blocking the access.
NF advised that Dave Beeley wants the shed and he has left a message at his home asking that this be taken asap.

6. Playground Check
carried out checks. He has emailed SMP Playgrounds for quote to repair climbing wall and swing seats.

AS thanked PW for marking out the disabled space and MB will order a sign.

7. Correspondence
Letter from Liz Howard asking to book Hall for Guiding event on 20 October. Private Badminton is booked in but AS will ask if they will give up the lets for that evening.

8. Any Other Business

Breakfast Fundraiser
– All volunteers to meet at Hall at 8.30am. AS/MB will get the food and distribute sausages/bacon to be pre-cooked. LR buying veggie sausages. Toasters/Slow cookers to be brought. There is concern that the Urn is cutting out and it needs to be checked.

Too short notice to put on Comedy Evening. Committee decided instead to have a “Picnic on the Rec” type afternoon with music, Pimms Tent, Strawberries & Cream and Childrens Games, to be held on Sunday 15 August. CR preparing notice for Parish mag.

LR advised that other Halls charge £50 per 24hr period for Guide/Brownie “Camps”. Committee still concerned that we could lose potential revenue if we take these bookings. LR will come back with more prices and information.

TG has enquiry from “Homestart” to book Hall 10-4 on 1 July. They will use upstairs room but need kitchen and toilets. TG to ask if Pre-school are OK with this.

10 Tables and 50 chairs hired at the weekend not yet returned (should have been back today).

PS asked if a sign could be put in Playground with maximum ages for using equipment as teenagers are playing on it. Not sure if this would help.

10. Date of next meeting
The next meeting will be held on Monday 12 July 2010 at 7.45pm.

There being no further business the meeting was closed at 2115hrs.

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