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Minutes of Meeting
Held on Monday 9th January 2012
Fiona Steeds Pat Sherry Angelo Sauro Dave Anderson
Neil Fozard Louise Roberts Kath Harkness Mick Bendeaux
Hilary Rogers Pete Webb Terry Gardener Sam Allen
Kate Bashford Chris Rispin
1. Apologies
Apologies were received from Sue Webb and Bryan Robinson.
2. Previous Minutes
The Minutes of the previous meeting were signed as a true statement.
3. Matters Arising
Boundary – ongoing. AS has seen PR and has suggested green mesh might look better than the white netting. Anti climb paint to be put up when weather permits.
Heating – broke down twice over Christmas. OHS Plumbing were contacted but haven’t been out yet. AS to follow up.
Christmas Lights – these have been taken down. About one third of the bulbs need replacing and one set of lights has broken - SW to check them. Gutters need to be cleared. DA and AS volunteered to do this on Saturday. AS thanked DA for doing the lights.
Cutlery Cover Charge – Charge will be £1 for groups fundraising for Hall and £2 for outside functions.
Constitution & Responsibilities – AS is going to try and summarise this and we need to check that we are covered for every eventuality.
Skatepark – DA reported that they have applied for a grant which would cover the whole project. NF thinks there is lottery money available at the moment and thought it might be worth applying to them.
Cleaning Cupboard/Servery – NF has put up hooks for the brushes and he is going to do the repairs in the bar area. AS thanked him.
Car Park – ongoing. AS is dealing with this.
Treasurer Vacancy - no one has come forward to take this on.
Wish list (Pending)
These are items which will be put on hold until funds are available:
Resurface Car Park; New Kitchen; Bench for Playground; Stage Curtain Tabs & Lighting
4. Treasurer’s Report
MB has prepared the report for the end of the year. We had approximately £4000 in the current account and £300 in the improvement fund. He will email the report to the Committee.
5. Emergency Lighting/Fire Bells/Extinguishers & Meter Readings
Emergency checks all carried out by TG. AS has asked SW to look at the smoke alarm.
TG supplied readings: Electricity 243105; Water 960/310; Oil 1’11”
6. Playground Check
No report this month. Bolts are being delivered. CR/NF will fit them.
7. Correspondence
TG emailed his resignation from the Committee with immediate effect. AS thanked him for everything he has done during his time on the Committee.
8. Any Other Business
TG returned his keys and MB suggested a key be available in the village for emergencies. The shop was chosen as most accessible.
It has been suggested we register for Gift Aid donations but as we don’t get many personal donations it may not be worthwhile. MB to look into this.
As the Fox is closed at the moment the Hall may be needed for Skittles fixtures. These could be arranged as Fundraisers. MB to follow up.
LR asked what the maximum number of people sleeping in the Hall would be for Guiding. 50 to 60 was agreed on.
LR asked if anyone had booked the Hall for the Jubilee celebrations. As yet no requests have been made.
Pre-school have complained that they cannot get children from the Hall to the Playground because of mud at the gate. KB had not been told of this. CR suggested they use the back fire exit instead. The cupboard has not yet been tidied. KB to follow up. She also reported that the number of children attending is low at the moment.
SH has advised that we may have to rent out the skatepark area to the Committee who run it at a low rent. They are aware that they will be responsible for maintenance. SH to check that we can legally do this.
Ceiling tiles are missing above the stairwell and need to be replaced.
9. Date of next meeting
The date of the next meeting will be Monday 13 February at 7.30pm for the AGM, followed immediately by the normal meeting.
There being no further business the meeting was closed at 9.30pm.