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Minutes of Meeting
Held on Monday 8th September 2008
Angelo Sauro Mick Bendeaux Sue Webb Pete Webb John Otley
Fiona Steeds Chris Rispin Terry Gardener Sam Allen Sara White
Chris Edwards Neil Fozard
1. Apologies
Apologies were received from Sue Hope, Pat Sherry and Hilary Rogers.
2. Previous Minutes
The Minutes of the previous meeting were signed as a true record.
3. Matters Arising
Checklist - ongoing
Playground bin - ongoing. AS to arrange.
Drama quote - It has been decided to go ahead with first quote as it is all inclusive and the builder is available in October to do the work.
Car Park Entrance - Kids are still cycling across the entrance - may need to extend fencing.
Hall Boundary Line - Sue Hope is arranging for a Planning Officer to come to the Hall to discuss. Awaiting date.
Ballet Barre - Ballet have asked if they can put more barres up around the Hall (as well as repairing the broken one). There were no objections to this.
Ladies Toilets - The sensor which was broken has been replaced.
Hall Booking Form - AS has included information about Lighting Hire.
Energy Group - Show Day event went well with many leaflets regarding 'Energy Day' distributed.
Hall Security - Cannon Security coming on 9th Sept to give a quote. Cost of 2 cameras and a PC capture card from Maplin's would be £160.
4. Treasurer's Report
Treasurer's Report was distributed.
5. Emergency Lighting/Fire Bells/Extinguishers
Tapes on the box containing the fire blanket are broken. CE will repair. The second Fire Blanket had been removed by the Engineer as unfit for purpose.
No other problems reported.
6. Playground Check
CE sure that vandalism accounts for loosened screw on equipment. He will arrange clean up of Playground.
7. Meter Readings
As per email from CE : Water 393.268; Electricity 204625; Oil Tank 6.5 inches from top of sight tube.
CE suspects oil may have been siphoned off from tank. He will investigate further.
8. Correspondence
Letter from Community Action. AS to deal.
Email from Action Group against light aircraft noise. Consensus was that this is not a problem.
9. Any Other Business
Sara W reported that kitchen door handle is very stiff. CE will look at it.
Sue & Pete donated decorative fabric used at their recent Wedding to Hall. MB thanked them.
WI reported that chairs were dirty after being used on Show Day.
TG reported that cars are being left parked in front of recycling area while parents drop children off at school. This has caused access problems for lorries. FE to write to School and ask them to mention this in next Newsletter.
A cigarette bin is needed outside the door. MB to price.
JO reported that a Parish Councillor had complained that the tap in the field was not working. CE to check.
SA passed on grant application form to AS/MB as possible income source for kitchen revamp.
The Fundraiser on 24th October going ahead. CD to be recorded on the evening for sale. Proceeds will be split between Hall and Drama Group. MB requested that Drama provide the Bar staff. Sue W to arrange.
Bar area/shelves need to be cleaned. MB to ask Sue Hewer to do this.
Oil Tank filler cap has been removed. MB to ask Silveys for replacement.
Brackets required for downpipe at rear of Hall.
One brown table and display boards still missing.
Several complaints following Show Day:
Wheelie bins have not been collected. CR confirmed that they should have been removed last Tuesday and VR is chasing them up.
Window locks in kitchen were not secured after the Show.
Chairs and Tables were not put away properly.
Gate was left open.
Two tent pegs were left on rec which could be a trip hazard.
The football pitch was badly damaged by a lorry turning on it (exacerbated by bad weather). PW suggested roping off the area next year to prevent this happening. There is also damage to turf at top of the rec. CR thinks Show Committee will be prepared to pay for repair to these areas and will refer back to VR.
AS suggested we compile a checklist to give to Show Committee for next year.
SA asked if we were getting a new Boiler. AS advised that Energy Group are considering whole heating system.
10. Date of next meeting
The date of the next meeting will be Monday 13th October 2008 at 7.45pm.
There being no further business the meeting was closed at 2055 hrs.