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Minutes of Meeting
Held on Monday 11July 2011
Angelo Sauro Mick Bendeaux Fiona Steeds Pat Sherry
Terry Gardener Chris Rispin Neil Fozard Bryan Robinson
Sue Webb Pete Webb Dave Anderson
1. Apologies
Apologies were received from Louise Roberts, Kath Harkness and Debbie Young.
2. Previous Minutes
The Minutes of the previous meeting were signed as a true statement.
3. Matters Arising
Chair Cleaning – ongoing.
Stage Curtains - PS advised that the curtains have been ordered and should be ready by August.
Skateboard Track – Dave Anderson informed us that fundraising has started. A meeting was held on Tuesday by the group but no feedback yet. DA volunteered to act as liaison between the group and Hall Committee.
Boundary – CR is liaising with Pete Roberts
Family Fun Day – CR has organised rota. Meet at 10.30am to set up. We still need a few more helpers if possible. Raffle Prizes & Gazebos also needed.
Pre-School Outdoor Play Area – no update.
Changing Room Light – NF thinks a new fitting may be required.
Payphone – still not installed as AS is having problems re-programming it.
Wish list (Pending)
These are items which will be put on hold until funds are available:
New Kitchen; Bench for Playground; Stage Curtain Tabs & Lighting
4. Treasurer’s Report
The report was distributed at the Meeting. The hot water tank had to be replaced as it broke. MB has asked Parish Council for financial assistance but has not heard from them. BR offered to follow up.
5. Emergency Lighting/Fire Bells/Extinguishers & Meter Readings
Emergency checks all carried out by TG.
Steve Watts to check stage Emergency Exit Light which is faulty.
BR raised issue of electrics tripping on occasion and suggested they be checked. MB to find out when a complete electrical safety test is due to be carried out.
TG supplied readings: Electricity 237349; Water 871/748; Oil 48” – full tank.
6. Playground Check
No Report this month. BR had copy of RoSPa report which was carried out on 14/4/11. It highlights an upright on the roundabout which is loose. CR/NF to follow up. BR to give copy of the report to Hall Committee as we have not received it.
7. Correspondence
MB has emailed local groups to ask if they want to get involved in catering for Bikers Weekend. AS to start a spreadsheet of what is required.
8. Any Other Business
Dave Anderson (rugby dads) is organising a fundraiser on 8/10/11 with proceeds to be split between Hall and Youth Facilities. It will be a “Casino Royale” evening and they hope to raise £1000. They would like the Committee’s support with publicity which we are happy to do.
NF/MB have discussed crockery hire charges. MB to get more information.
Paul Broad has asked if his son’s group can practise in the Hall in exchange for playing at Family Day. This was OK’d.
TG advised that Playgroup had left a tap running in ladies toilet. FS to email KB and ask that they check taps before leaving premises.
9. Date of next meeting
The date of the next meeting will be Monday 8 August at 7.45pm in the Village Hall.
There being no further business the meeting was closed.