Hawkesbury Upton Village Hall - Hire for Weddings, Parties, Stage for Live music

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May 09

Hall + Parish > The Hall > 2009 Mins


Minutes of Meeting
Held on Tuesday 11 May 2009

Angelo Sauro Mick Bendeaux Pat Sherry Sara White Pete Webb
Hilary Rogers Fiona Steeds Terry Gardener Sue Webb Gill Oliver

1. Apologies
Apologies received from John Otley, Neil Fozard, Sue Hope and Sam Allen.

2. Previous Minutes
The Minutes of the previous meeting were signed as a true record.

3. Matters Arising
Hall Boundary
- ongoing
Leyhill – They have finished working but didn’t have time to do everything. We will consider getting them back in September for a couple of days to finish off. AS/NF will check what is required to complete the job.
Energy update – Grant application has been submitted but no reply as yet.
Bonfire night – ongoing.
Race Night – advertised again in Parish Mag. Sara will do tickets and also ask Dave Anderson if he can get cheese for the supper.
Safety Checklist - produced by Chris Rispin. He has also organised a rota.
Fencing for next door – Carl has done the work free of charge. MB to thank him officially via Parish Mag. Other panels are broken and Mick suggested buying plastic goals for the kids to use to try and prevent further damage. Sara was worried that these are not durable. As Youth Club have a set of the goals MB will ask them if we could use them outside to see how it goes before buying our own.
Periodic Electric check – has been completed but report/invoice not yet received.
Fire Action notices – MB to check this week.
Disabled Access – Phase 1 complete but Show Committee have complained that it sticks out and could prohibit access to the field. Sara mentioned that the damp proof course on the left side is obscured by concrete and could be a problem. Also the height is a problem. AS thinks that once the canopy is fitted this will be rectified.

4. Treasurer’s Report
Treasurer’s Report not available at the Meeting but is attached to Minutes.

5. Emergency Lighting/Fire Bells/Extinguishers
All ok.

6. Playground Check
Neil emailed this report (attached) and everything is ok except for a broken swing seat. AS had mentioned weed problem with tiles to Leyhill supervisor who suggested chlorine would kill them off. Gill can get some from school if we want to do a test patch.
7. Meter Readings
TG provided readings: Electricity 212784; Water 546/046; Oil 3’ 11”

8. Correspondence
No correspondence.

9. Any Other Business
TG advised that Gardening Club have arranged to use Hall on Friday 22nd May for a sale but not officially booked it. They have asked Ballet to move to the school but this will result in loss of revenue for us as they only want the Hall for 2.5 hrs. FS to send letter to Terry Truebody.

After PTA Ball Sara noticed floor particularly dirty in alcove by bar. If this area could be cleared it would be easier to keep clean. It would be possible to store chairs under stage behind Karate mats. AS to ask John Day for quote for trolley to facilitate this. Toddlers to be asked to find alternative storage for their slide. Several Committee members arranged to meet at Hall on Saturday at 10.30am to clear out upstairs cupboard.

Pat advised that Lyn Atherton who died recently had founded the composting area and that their group would like to create some sort of memorial to her. A bench or tree was suggested, together with a plaque. AS to follow up.

A WI member tripped by the corner of the Hall and was injured last week. This corner is not lit and needs attention. A delayed timer switch connected to a light was suggested.

TG reported a problem with the flush in the ladies loo which was running continuously – this is an ongoing problem. AS to speak to the plumber.

10. Date of next meeting
The next meeting will be held on Monday 8 June at 7.45pm.

There being no further business the meeting was closed at 2050hrs.

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