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Minutes of Meeting
held on Monday 11 September 2007
Present: Angelo Sauro Mick Bendeaux Sara White Chris Rispin Gill Oliver
John Otley Pat Sherry Sue Herod Neil Fozard Sue Hope (part time)
1. Apologies
Apologies were received from Chris Edwards, Peter Webb and Sam Allen
2. Previous Minutes
The minutes of the previous meeting were signed as a true record.
3. Matters Arising
Toilet refurb
Still no response from Steve Watts. Paul Blackwell hasn’t yet had time to decorate the ceilings. AS will try to find someone else that might do the work.
CRB checks
CE has sent an email stating that he only said he would TRY to obtain his CRB check by this meeting, and due to circumstances beyond his control this has not been possible. (Copy correspondence attached to Secretary’s minutes). AS will reply to CE
Fire Alarm Risk Assessment
CR will arrange for a waterproof sign. NF will give Chris the spec.
Kitchen revamp
NF will measure up gaps where doors are needed on existing units. Could consider removing radiator and install fridges along that stretch of wall thus freeing up more floor space. Main kitchen area a priority. Servery could be done subject to time/money. We will approach B & Q for donations of equipment.
Bonfire Night
We will postpone for this year.
Check list
Ongoing still
Fruit Bats
Has been advertised in Parish Mag and already some interest. Tickets have been printed free of charge by Charlie Barker, as were Parish Mag posters. MB will get bar snacks. We will ask Chris Chubb to confirm that all ok with the band and that they can provide music between sets. Also, time they want to set up. MB and NF will put up the ceiling fabric in the morning. Setting up rest of hall at 5pm. Sue Herod confirmed that we can use the spotlight for the stage.
Cigarette bin
NF will install this week. Must be no closer than 2 metres from a window or door.
Treasurers Report
This was distributed at the meeting
6. Emergency Lighting/Fire bells/extinguishers
7. Playground Check
NF will grease the hinge on the gate
No correspondence this month
9. Any Other Business
Some bits of wood left over from the Show bar are currently stacked against the hall wall. There is a Show meeting tonight at which they will discuss their removal. SH will ask if more bins could be provided next year for Show Day. CR will empty bins on field as they are full.
Show Committee has asked if Hall Committee wishes to share the Beer Festival next year. We will consider and let them know in due course.
Gill Truebody had a party last Saturday but commented that the front of the stage looked stark. They have offered that WI will decorate some fabric if we provide it. Drama Group has offered to paint the doors so that it is a uniform colour all along the front.
PHS will supply a mat in the foyer. Costs £5.50/week and they will change on a weekly basis.
Tiling is being done in the foyer next Monday and Tuesday.
Before redecorating the hall, could we consider skimming the walls thus removing the breezeblock look. Would be expensive and would need to ensure a quality job.
Could we install eyelets around the hall and let people know that they may use any decoration they like so long as they fix things to the eyelets only, thus avoiding damage to the paintwork due to use of sellotape, bluetac etc.
Village website designer has gone missing. AS has started a Hall Website and would like committee members to give their views before going live.
10. Date and Time of Next Meeting
The date of the next meeting is Monday 10 September at 7.45pm
There being no further business, the meeting was closed at 2200hrs