Hawkesbury Upton Village Hall - Hire for Weddings, Parties, Stage for Live music

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Oct 09

Hall + Parish > The Hall > 2009 Mins


Minutes of Meeting
Held on Monday 12 October 2009

Angelo Sauro Fiona Steeds Terry Gardener Sue Webb John Otley
Pete Webb Mick Bendeaux Hilary Rogers Sara White

1. Apologies
Apologies received from Pat Sherry, Neil Fozard & Chris Rispin

2. Previous Minutes
The Minutes of the previous meeting were signed as a true record.

3. Matters Arising
Hall Boundary
– ongoing.
Energy update – The survey report has been received. Meeting to be arranged this week to discuss findings.
Bonfire night – sub-committee has been formed and event is progressing well. Will be held on Saturday 7 November. Parish Council have donated £100. Hall Committee will match this. Pete offered to ask Buffs for a donation and he will also price packs of large fireworks. Entry will be by donation of large firework per family, but we also need to provide some as we don’t know what people will bring.
Electrical check – ongoing. AS to speak to Steve Watts.
Under-stage Storage Trolley – Trolley in-situ, but Karate cannot move it. AS/MB to speak to them about the type of equipment they have loaded onto it.
Hall Floor – ok.
Email Addresses – ongoing.
Den – has been dismantled.
Beaufort House – have paid the £150 for car parking facilities.
Kick The Cat – MB to refund their deposit which was cashed in error.

4. Treasurer’s Report
MB handed out the Report. Profit from Kick The Cat to go to Energy Fund.

5. Emergency Lighting/Fire Bells/Extinguishers & Meter Readings
Checks not done so far this month.
AS provided readings: Electricity 216879; Water 597/523; Oil 4’.

6. Playground Check
CR carried out this month’s check, which is attached.

7. Correspondence
Reply from Show Committee Secretary regarding tidy up after Show Day.

8. Any Other Business
MB advised that when space under stage was cleared for trolley, some sports equipment was found (goals, nets etc). These are now outside and will be offered to Football Club. SW to follow up.

PW said that Chris Webster has offered to quote for cleaning/repair of Hall Chairs from Remploy for whom he works.

Simon Warren has had 2 keys cut for the changing rooms. We have paid for these.

10. Date of next meeting
The next meeting will be held on Monday 9 November at 7.45pm.

There being no further business the meeting was closed at 2030hrs.
Safety Check Log – Children’s Play Area Monthly Inspection – Date: 11.10.09

General Condition & Other Observations
Inspected By
Satisfactory. Seasonal leaf drop


One strut rattling but still safe. One flat seat replaced at car park end. Both baby seats showing some cracking but not structurally affected ideally need replacing. The couplings at the head of the swing chain could do with greasing to prevent deterioration


Climbing Frame
Satisfactory. Some deterioration in climbing wall veneer


Satisfactory – with two fixings missing but not critical could do with ordering some fixings in due course




Gates / Fence
Gates need greasing.


One or two ground tiles are lifting slightly and some moss growth and greasy patches


Lid missing on one bin at car park end
Bins need emptying, I will try and do later today.


General Comments

Weed growth on Hall roof require removal
Electric box in field secure
Den has been removed
Area of hog roast has not been grassed over
Five a side goal posts restricting fire exit from Kitchen


Committee Inspectors CR – Chris Rispin, TG – Terry Gardener, NF – Neil Fozard

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