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Minutes of Meeting
Held on Monday 13 December 2010
Angelo Sauro Mick Bendeaux Terry Gardener Louise Roberts Sam Allen
Fiona Steeds Chris Rispin Pat Sherry Sue Webb Pete Webb
1. Apologies
Apologies received from Sara White, Neil Fozard and Kate Bashford
2. Previous Minutes
The Minutes of the previous meeting were signed as a true record.
3. Matters Arising
Energy update – ongoing.
Sports Equipment – Youth Club want the equipment.
Chair Cleaning – ongoing.
Photocopier – Mark Steeds may take it depending on size.
Carpet – ongoing.
Ramp – MB dealing with this.
Socket outside kitchen – Steve Watts had a look and will give a quote to Andy Musty. Show Committee will pay.
Parking – School not happy at having been informed that they should pay a nominal fee for parking. Awaiting a response.
Lee’s Lights – CR advised that the Parish Mag will pay towards lights if Hall Committee will store and arrange for them to be put up annually. Mike & Julie are happy with this so long as they are still known as “Lee’s Lights”. SA also said Writers Group could help financially. Main problem is finding an electrician and the manpower to put them up. Costings need to be done. AS will liaise with Steve Watts.
Wish list (Pending)
These are items which will be put on hold until funds are available:
Crockery; Lee’s Lights; Playground repairs; New Kitchen
4. Treasurer’s Report
No report available.
5. Emergency Lighting/Fire Bells/Extinguishers & Meter Readings
Emergency checks all carried out by TG
TG supplied readings: Electricity 230959; Water 771/953; Oil 1’10”
6. Playground Check
CR carried out checks. Repair work has commenced. NF has bought paint. Chris Taylor hasn’t as yet supplied the tool needed to fix the bolts. CR thanked those who helped clean up the Playground. If Parish Council take on responsibility for upkeep of Playground they would not be eligible to apply for grants.
7. Correspondence
8. Any Other Business
Nicola Kendall has asked for dates for their fundraiser. 19/2 or 5/3 were suggested. TG to speak to her.
It was decided to have a Village Breakfast fundraiser on 6/3.
AS thanked TG for covering Hall Bookings until Lorraine is able to take over.
PW offered to clean chairs between Christmas and New Year.
Cropready House do not believe that the trees belong to them. MB will speak to them and show them the correspondence.
LR asked if the Village Award could be displayed in the Hall.
PW has paint for “no parking” zone.
AS applied for a laptop for the Hall and was successful – along with four other village organisations.
TG advised that there is a problem with lights in the Gents toilets.
The date for the AGM will be 14 February 2011. CR to try and get this into the Parish Mag.
9. Date of next meeting
The next meeting will be held on Monday 10 January 2011 at 7.45pm.
There being no further business the meeting was closed at 2045hrs.