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Minutes of Meeting
Held on Monday 8th December 2008
Angelo Sauro John Otley Hilary Rogers Mick Bendeaux Pete Webb
Pat Sherry Fiona Steeds Terry Gardener Neil Fozard Richard Marshall
Sue Webb Sam Allen Sara White
1. Apologies
Apologies received from Chris Rispin and Chris Edwards.
2. Previous Minutes
The Minutes of the previous meeting were amended as per CE's email.
3. Matters Arising
Floor - Mick has consulted the supplier and he says it just needs more detergent & water to be used. The cleaning materials we use are OK. MB to liaise with Sue Hewer. TG to speak to Kate to ask Playgroup to sweep floor after their sessions.
Stop Tap - problem resolved
First Aid Kit - ongoing
Kitchen - MB has arranged for a further two quotes
Checklist - completed
Building Work - completed and final bill received (£1333.11). MB confirmed that the grant received will be banked tomorrow. PS reported that Drama Group had not yet received their grant but had made £900 profit from their Murder Mystery Evening.
Hall Boundary Line - still ongoing.
Leyhill - needs to be booked if we want the work done in February half term. AS/NF to finalise our requirements.
Pre-School - MB has told them we cannot reduce their rent. AS/SW to speak to their Committee re fundraising ideas.
Ladies Toilets -AS/NF to sort problem with reflection on Velux windows.
Energy Group - AS has had an insulation audit carried out. Awaiting results and recommendations.
4. Treasurer's Report
Treasurer's Report was distributed. MB reported that we had received a credit from PHS Services when it was discovered that they had missed several monthly calls last year.
5. Emergency Lighting/Fire Bells/Extinguishers
CE emailed that 2 emergency lights need to be repaired soon. Fire extinguisher in Main Hall has had anti-tamper tag damaged - will be repaired/replaced shortly.
6. Playground Check
Nothing to report.
7. Meter Readings
Water 430.001; Electricity 207791; Oil Tank 27 1/8th inches from top of sight tube.
Wall at bottom of oil tank is damaged. AS to inspect.
8. Correspondence
CE emailed that lights had been left on and doors not properly secured at the weekend. Also kitchen security locks not closed. One table still missing.
9. Any Other Business
Buffs want to secure the Buffalo Horns to wall after vandalism incident. No objections.
Sue Webb asked if the dishwasher could be turned on and cleaned as it is full of dirty dishes.
TG reported that he has seen lights on in Hall late on Friday evenings when there are no bookings. Badminton have been using the Hall without booking it. AS to speak to Chris Chubb regarding this. PTA were there till after midnight prior to their Xmas Fayre, again without booking. AS suggested TG could phone Hall if he is concerned that lights are on when no-one is booked in.
It was suggested that we use plastic glasses to avoid problem on broken glass on floor following some functions. MB to price.
SW feels that it is unfair that only 2 Committee members are often left clearing up Hall after functions. This has been noted.
10. Date of next meeting
The date of the next meeting will be Monday12th January 2009 at 7.45pm.
There being no further business the meeting was closed at 2030 hrs.