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Minutes of Meeting
Held on Monday 14 September 2009
Angelo Sauro Fiona Steeds Terry Gardener Sue Webb John Otley
Pat Sherry Mick Bendeaux Chris Rispin Sara White
1. Apologies
Apologies received from Pete Webb, Hilary Rogers & Neil Fozard
2. Previous Minutes
The Minutes of the previous meeting were signed as a true record.
3. Matters Arising
Hall Boundary – ongoing. AS to email Sth Glos Council.
Hall Decoration – Ladder has re-appeared.
Energy update – Project Development Grant has been received and a survey has been carried out. Once recommendations have been received the Energy Group will consider our options.
Bonfire night – Email update from Neil (attached). Committee concerned that this event could be costly unless we can charge (directly or indirectly). Also not sure if Insurance has been sorted. SW/FS to find out who organises Didmarton event. AS to ask TC to store the pallets which have been left lying around the field if these are to be used for the bonfire. AS to speak to NF or A Musty for more details.
Electrical check – AS to speak to Steve Watts re push button security light and 2 electrical boxes (one of which was found to be disconnected on Show Day).
Under-stage Storage Trolley – MB thinks John Day has made a start on this.
Hall Floor – ongoing.
Email Addresses – ongoing.
Den – MB to check with Cropready that they do not object to this being dismantled. Show Committee to be asked to move corrugated sheets. FS to email Vicky Rispin regarding this and problems with tidy up after Show Day.
4. Treasurer’s Report
MB handed out the Report which covers two months.
5. Emergency Lighting/Fire Bells/Extinguishers & Meter Readings
TG to carried out checks – all ok.
TG provided readings: Electricity 215898; Water 583/750; Oil 4’.
6. Playground Check
TG carried out this month’s check. Concerns about climbing frame as the ply board panel is starting to split. FS to ask Louise Roberts for details of supplier. MB will get price for swing seat from Wickstead. CR has a spare key for the bins. MB said we cannot afford to replace the bin at present.
7. Correspondence
Environmental Health Officer has written following her visit. The main problem was damaged tiles on floor of bar area. We have been given 6 months to repair/renew these. The Council have awarded us 3 Stars under their “Scores on Doors” Food Hygiene rating.
MB had emailed a Fundraising proposal for a 50/50 Auction to be held in December. It was felt that it might be difficult to get the necessary support from the Village to make this a success. A possible May Day/Village Day event was suggested as a possible alternative. Also possibility of a joint Summer Ball with the Show Committee. MB to follow up with Chris Webster. As we need to raise funds, Committee were asked to think of ideas to be discussed at next meeting.
9. Any Other Business
Beaufort House have asked TG if they can rent 3 car spaces Mon-Fri from 9am to 4pm. This was approved. TG to ask them for a donation of £150 per annum.
TG also reported that Changing Room keys are still missing. He also asked when heating would be switched on. AS offered to check timer.
AS to phone Ellie Batten re missing Hall key.
PS asked if it was ok to go ahead with planning of memorial tree. No objections.
AS announced that “Kick the Cat” are hiring the Hall on 3/10 for a function. They will sell their own tickets. We get Hall fee plus bar takings. The income from this will go towards offsetting the cost of the Energy Grant Application.
10. Date of next meeting
The next meeting will be held on Monday 12 October at 7.45pm.
There being no further business the meeting was closed at 2115hrs.
Email from Neil Fozard (14/9/09)
Bonfire Night:-
I have discussed several items with Andy Musty and he is still very keen to go ahead with the event.Andy has already mustered a team of ‘volunteers’ who are happy to help with the setting up and lighting of fire and fireworks too.In the meantime I shall contact South Glos Council with regard to any guide lines that they may have for this form of event.
We would ideally like to have the bonfire, perhaps within sight of the Hall and duly fenced off.Also perhaps we could offer hot dogs and coffee for a small charge, maybe even open the bar, perhaps the hall could makea few bob out of this too?It is proposed that the event will be free to all and we would encourage donations of either fireworks or cash on entry to the field.
Any ideas or offers of help and support would be welcome.