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CAfE Support Network
Application Form

The CAfE Support Network can provide you with up to 1˝ days of free support to help you:
Develop your ideas for a community-based sustainable energy project
Build partnerships with other organisations that could help
Find funding to make the project a reality
Secure appropriate legal and financial advice
Please note:
We recommend you speak to the CAfE team on 08701 261 444 for guidance before completing this application
We are generally only able to offer support (up to 1˝ days) to community and voluntary groups who are members of CAfE. Membership of CAfE is free (
Your application will be assessed by the CAfE team to determine its suitability for this service or if the help you require could be provided by an alternative support service such as your local Energy Efficiency Advice Centre, Community Renewables Team and initiatives including the Low Carbon Buildings Programme.

Application for Support
1. About You
Your name: Angelo Sauro
Are you a member? Yes
Name of group/organisation: Hawkesbury Village Hall Committee
Address: [for correspondence] 62 Highfields, Hawkesbury Upton, South Gloucestershire
[for visits] Hawkesbury Village Hall, High Street, Hawkesbury Upton, South Gloucestershire
Postcode: GL9 1AU
If you are not a community or voluntary group please explain how you will be working with your local community on this project:
The Village Hall Committee is a community group with a formal constitution and committee structure that has operated, managed and improved the hall over many years.
Please provide some clear information about your community group.
Who in your community is involved?
A Sustainable Energy group has developed from recommendations and findings of the Parish Plan that gathered opinions on the future of the village from all residents in the parish. A significant majority of respondents were in favour of sustainable energy projects within the village. The Sustainable Energy group identified the Village Hall as one venue for a potential energy efficiency project that would benefit the community as a whole.
What are the aims and objectives of your community group?
The Village Hall Committee aims to use the Village Hall provide social, recreational and cultural facilities for all the village residents – these include activities such as the WI, playgroup, toddler group, youth club, dancing, amateur dramatics, annual village show, badminton, football, karate, club meetings, public internet access and social functions. Therefore the hall is heavily used throughout the year by a wide range of residents and visitors.

What projects / activities are you currently undertaking? (If the project is new please list the future activities you expect to undertake).
The Village Hall Committee[2007] completed alterations to the hall including disabled access and toilet facilities. Previous works have included improvements to the kitchen and bar facilities. In 2008, there are plans to provide disabled access to the upper floor. The Village Hall Committeeongoing support to the Community Composting site that is adjacent to the Village Hall. Regular decoration, repairs and maintenance are also the responsibility of the Village Hall Committee.

2. About Your Project
Please provide us with as much information as possible about your proposed energy project.
What are you hoping to do?

The proposed project aims to reduce energy use by improving the overall energy efficiency of the building and considering any potential for the use of renewable energy sources. At present, it seems that the most likely measures are the installation of improved insulation, better draught proofing, lower energy lighting and replacement of the ageing oil fired boiler.

What is the timeframe for your project?

The initial works would probably be during 2008, although the boiler replacement may be dependent on any need to replace the boiler if it developed a fault or required costly servicing work.

How does your project involve the local community?

It implements one of the recommendations of the Parish Plan and will benefit all users of the Village Hall. It is intended to act as a demonstration project that can facilitate reduced energy use across the community by educating and encouraging residents to implement similar changes in their own homes.

Please list details of partner organisations and other groups involved with your project:

Parish Council
Sustainable Energy group

How will your project benefit the local community?

It will hopefully improve the village hall environment for all users and reduce the cost of operation for the Village Hall Committee. It will also act as a basis for disseminating the message of overall energy efficiency.

How will your project sustain a community focus?

By its very nature, the project will be visible to all users of the hall within the community

Please provide details of estimated costs associated with your project:

The costs are not yet determined but we are hoping that CAfE will be able to advise on likely costs depending on the recommendations.

Have you sourced any funding for your project? Please provide details of funding applications made, total funding obtained or estimated funding still required.

We have not submitted any applications at this time but hope that CAfE will be able to advise on appropriate sources of funding to support recommendations. We intend to carry out any fundraising that may be needed to contribute to the costs of implementing appropriate measures.

3) Finally we need to know the stage at which your project is now. This enables us to ascertain whether or not you have completed any initial research and applied this to your project and what type of expert and support would be the most appropriate. If you are unable to answer ‘Yes’ to any of these questions, please contact a member of the CAfE Team on 08701 261 444 for further guidance and information before applying to the support network.

Have you contacted the CAfE team about your project before? Please provide details of date, and advice given.

A member of the Sustainable Energy group contacted Louise Rutterford by telephone call on January 16 2008. The possibility of grant funding from EDF Energy was mentioned together the grants available for biomass boilers.

Have you undertaken an initial energy audit or feasibility study? If so, please provide details.

We have not completed an energy audit at this point, although we have a complete set of electricity and heating oil accounts. One member of the Sustainable Energy group has detailed knowledge of commercial energy audits and energy supply contracts. Various members of the group have expertise in electrical engineering, renewable energy systems, project management, accountancy, planning and recycling.

What advice services relating to your energy project are you aware of / have you used?

We are aware of organisations such as the Carbon Trust, EST and the CSE.

Are you aware of any grants and support available for your energy project?

We are aware that a variety of grants exist and appreciate that it may be necessary to direct any application for funding to the most appropriate source.

Have you prioritised any parts of your project? If so please provide details and reasons.

At the moment, the most likely priority seems to be as follows:

1 installation of low energy lighting
2 improved insulation and draught proofing
3 replacement of existing oil fired central heating boiler.

These priorities are based on the ease of installation and the costs concerned. As a demonstration project, we are open to innovative suggestion for other measures.

Does your project consider energy use reduction i.e. Insulation measures and promoting energy efficiency? Please provide details.

Yes, as described above.

3. How Do You Want CAfE to Help?
Please use this section to clearly state the sort of support that you are seeking. Please tick the box and provide explanatory notes on the help you require. The more specific you are, the more likely we can identify the best member of our panel to help you!
o Developing your community-based project
o Building partnerships
o Identifying funding/preparing an application for funding
o Legal or financial advice
o Other please provide details:

All of the above are relevant, to the extent that we would appreciate CAfE input on:
1 possible and practical measures to reduce energy use
2 any realistic options for the use of renewable energy
3 guidance on viable grant sources
4 educational materials for residents and school students

Signed: Angelo Sauro Date: 20 January 2008

Please return your completed application to: CAfE Team, 3 St Peter’s Court, Bedminster Parade, Bristol BS3 4AQ, fax to
0117 934 1410 or email CAfE@est.org.uk

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