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Dec 07

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Minutes of Meeting
Monday 10th December 2007

Angelo Sauro Chris Rispin Sara White Hilary Rogers Pat Sherry
Chris Edwards Pete Webb Sue Herod
Sam Allen


Mick Bendeaux, Neil Fozard

Adoption of previous Meeting Minutes

The minutes of the previous meeting were signed as a true record.

3. Matters Arising from previous Meeting Minutes

Toilet refurb Steve Pritchard has started the ceilings but still to complete, Mick to contact him.
Steve Watts still to mastic the fan outlets and fit the disabled alarm, Mick has written to him. Chris Edwards has also spoken to Steve Watts as the Gents lights keep turning on by themselves.
Mick to chase Steve on both issues.

CRB checks Chris Edwards has certificate.

FAP Sign has been erected next to play area but needs further support. John Otley to provide some cable ties to Neil Fozard.

Kitchen re-vamp Ongoing

Check list Add reminder to switch off Dishwasher, Chris Edwards will create this part and also how to use the dishwasher.
Also add in comment that there is a sign in the table store to assist in how tables are to be stored.

Show committee CR has informed Vicky of remaining items that need to be removed from side of Hall, still there.

Foyer revamp Angelo to attempt to remove some sharp edges on a few tiles that are causing a problem (one youngster has cut his toe). Ongoing.

Eyelets in Hall Ongoing. Once put up must inform users to only use the eyelets

Village Hall Website Some feedback from Chris Edward, changes made.

4. Treasurers Report

Mick not present but report distributed at the meeting and one comment made.
Were Art group still using room, as no income on report
TG to contact Andy

Emergency Lighting/Fire Bells/Extinguishers

All OK apart from one extinguisher base is broken,
MB to source new one.
Battery replacement ongoing

Playground Check

One swing seat is broken so we need to order two more. – Chris Edwards to
place an order with Wicksteads. Ongoing.
The tiles are again getting slippery, Chris to contact Wicksteads to see if they
have any ideas on what our best option is. Ongoing.




Chris Rispin had a request from the Safer Stronger Community group, they
would like to have a display/table explaining what they are about at one of our
fundraisers. Suggestion was to hold a breakfast in January where they could
attend. 13 Jan set as the date for breakfast, volunteers needed.
AS, CR, SH, SW, PW, MB agreed to support the event.
Need to get sponsorship to lower our costs. Approach Hobbs, Shop, etc.
CR to talk to SSC to see if they would sponsor bacon.
Sara will talk to a supermarket.
Cater for 100.
Angelo to circulate CHECKLIST and put on website.
CR to put ad in mag.

Upstairs meeting room radiator thermostat valve broken,
CE to replace and
liaise with
PW as cupboard needs moving to gain access to rad.
Thursday Badminton need new key, find out who needs it.
Hilary is now W.I rep and not badminton rep.
Pat reminded everyone that Christmas tree shredding is on 6 Jan at Hall.

TG has seen all outside lights on 3 days in row, need labeling up or
replace switch with neon faceplate.

Modify checklist.
Need to advertise AGM in Parish Mag

Date and Time of next meeting

The date of the next meeting will be Monday 14 January at 7.45pm
There being no further business, the meeting was closed at 2050hrs

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