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Minutes of Meeting
Held on Monday 21 November 2011
Chris Rispin Fiona Steeds Pat Sherry Angelo Sauro
Neil Fozard Bryan Robinson Mick Bendeaux Hilary Rogers
Sue Webb Pete Webb Terry Gardener Sam Allen
1. Apologies
Apologies were received from Kath Harkness, Louise Roberts & Dave Anderson.
2. Previous Minutes
The Minutes of the previous meeting were signed as a true statement.
3. Matters Arising
Lighting – External light has been adjusted and stays on longer. Light in the car park has been fixed.
Skate park – DA advised that a grant of £6250 has been awarded by Natwest. MB is arranging a holding account linked to the Village Hall account which they can pay funds into.
Boundary – CR met with Pete Roberts who is keen to do something with boundary but not to build a wall. It is still not clear who owns the boundary. SH is trying to find documentation amongst old PC records. CR & SH to liaise.
HURG have offered to put netting up between the signposts and also a sign disclaiming liability. Show Committee again have been asked to remove corrugated sheets.
Pre-School Outdoor Play Area – this is on hold due to lack of funds.
Heating –AS has put up instruction sheet for heating. Boiler still acting up, will monitor and if necessary call in an engineer to fix. MB to speak to Steve Blakeney to arrange date to fix leaking radiator and fit new pump plus radiator in kitchen (will be done over Christmas break).
Christmas Lights – Mike Gardener wants to hand this over to someone else. AS asked DA if he & his “rugby dads” group would take it on and they are keen. All lights were taken to hall and checked ready for install. AS & DA plus some others are meeting Steve Watts on Saturday morning to go through procedures. The Hall has agreed to store the lights and Parish Mag are funding maintenance and repairs. AS suggested possibly buying a shed for storage (cost to be shared with DAs group), will see how the storage goes. The Father Xmas figure has been donated to a school in Yate who are short of resources.
Risk Assessment – NF has sorted the sharp edges on bins. Trees at front will be trimmed when lights go up but they are touching the overhead cables. We need to contact Electricity Company. AS to investigate.
Curtains – new curtains were made for upper windows and then the old ones were found in the boiler room.
October Event – AS has written some notes on what went well and what needs attention should the event be held again. The numbers who ate at the Hall were lower than predicted and this, in turn, put pressure on the pubs. The site was left clean and tidy and overall the event went well. AS thanked MB for all the extra work he put in to organise everything. £100 was donated by KH from the food takings to the Hall.
Wish list (Pending)
These are items which will be put on hold until funds are available:
New Kitchen; Bench for Playground; Stage Curtain Tabs & Lighting
4. Treasurer’s Report
This was distributed at the meeting.
5. Emergency Lighting/Fire Bells/Extinguishers & Meter Readings
Emergency checks all carried out by TG. The light on the 1 floor landing is flashing.
TG supplied readings: Electricity 240827; Water 936/182; Oil 3’9”
6. Playground Check
NF did the checks. CR to source nuts and bolts which are missing and must be replaced.
7. Correspondence
Email from BR. Parish Council want to move the safe from Danny Blakeney’s farm. It can go under the stairs. Also a new Grass Cutting maintenance agreement has been drafted – it was OKd. Trees – see above. AS to liaise with Parish Council re fees for Village website.
8. Any Other Business
SW asked if any thought had been given to the Cutlery Cover Charge. Drama Group feel that they have contributed significantly to improving the Hall and that paying the £2.00 per head cover charge at their events will make future fundraising difficult. MB replied that we need to recoup the cost of the crockery we have bought (£1500-£2000) and that they can still use the normal crockery free of charge. PS pointed out that there is not enough of this crockery and MB agreed to replenish this to cater for 100 people.
SA advised that someone had damaged the Drama Group’s stage backdrop which had to be repainted. Use of stage must be paid for on hiring Hall. Cleaner to be asked to check stage after any events to check for damage. Very difficult to police unauthorised access to stage.
NF asked if anyone had attended the Diamond Jubilee meeting. PS told him that his suggestion of a Fun Day on the Rec had been proposed. She offered to forward SH’s email on the subject.
NF is worried that Committee members are not aware of their potential personal liability in respect of an accident on the premises. He asked that this should be made clear in the Constitution and updated if necessary.
NF is concerned that attention needs to be paid to the surface of the car park. AS has asked Martin Gardener to have a look and advise us of what repairs are required.
9. Date of next meeting
The date of the next meeting will be Monday 12 December at 7.45pm in the Village Hall.
There being no further business the meeting was closed at 9.20pm.