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Minutes of Meeting
Held on Monday 10 August 2009
Angelo Sauro Fiona Steeds Terry Gardener Sue Webb Neil Fozard
1. Apologies
Apologies received from Pete Webb, Hilary Rogers, Pat Sherry, Chris Rispin, Sara White and Mick Bendeaux.
2. Previous Minutes
The Minutes of the previous meeting were signed as a true record.
3. Matters Arising
Hall Boundary - ongoing
Hall Decoration – Sue Hewer has painted the kitchen. NF/AS to sort out remaining jobs. Our ladder has been taken in error by Leyhill decorators. They had agreed to drop it off but this does not appear to have happened. AS to follow up.
Energy update – Still awaiting decision on Project Development Grant.
Bonfire night – Ongoing. NF to contact A Musty.
Electrical check – AS has asked Steve Watts to fit push button security light before the winter.
Fire Action notices – MB has done these.
Under-stage Storage Trolley – John Day has key to get into Hall and measure up.
Hall Floor – ongoing. MB to sort.
Email Addresses – TG has got some of the Hall Users email addresses and is trying to get the outstanding ones.
4. Treasurer’s Report
Not available as MB is on holiday. Report will be done for September meeting.
5. Emergency Lighting/Fire Bells/Extinguishers
AS/TG to carry out checks after meeting.
6. Playground Check
NF/TG carried out this month’s check. Bins were emptied and will be disinfected. Swing seats are starting to crack. NF/TG to replace one of the flat ones as we have a spare. MB to be asked to get a quote for replacement “baby swing” seats.
Gill Oliver to be asked to treat moss problem. MB to price/source a new bin.
NF/TG noticed a moss problem on the roof – they will attend to this.
7. Meter Readings
TG provided readings: Electricity 215041; Water 573/359; Oil 3’ 11.
8. Correspondence
South Glos Environmental Health Officer had emailed FS requesting access to the Hall to do a check. Appointment arranged for Wednesday 12 August at 10.30am. TG said he would try to attend.
SW emailed regarding a ‘den’ which has been built on boundary of Rec/Cropready. She was worried that it is unsafe (protruding nails) and asked if it could be cleared and materials made available for a replacement.
Committee decided to ascertain whether it is actually within our boundary before action is taken. AS to follow up.
9. Any Other Business
TG reported that Ellie Batten had borrowed chairs/tables from Hall which she had returned, but had not returned the Hall key. AS offered to phone her.
AS to order more Hall key fobs.
10. Date of next meeting
The next meeting will be held on Monday 14 September at 7.45pm.
There being no further business the meeting was closed at 2030hrs.