Hawkesbury Upton Village Hall - Hire for Weddings, Parties, Stage for Live music

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Sept 11

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Minutes of Meeting
Held on Monday 12 September 2011

Chris Rispin Fiona Steeds Pat Sherry Terry Gardener
Neil Fozard Bryan Robinson Hilary Rogers Mick Bendeaux
Kath Harkness Kate Bashford

1. Apologies
Apologies were received from Louise Roberts, Sue & Pete Webb,
Angelo Sauro, Debbie Young and Dave Anderson.

2. Previous Minutes
The Minutes of the previous meeting were signed as a true statement.

3. Matters Arising
– SW has done all internal work but not sure about outside. MB to check with him.
Insurance – cover has been increased. MB confirmed that the October event will be covered by organisers’ own insurance. MB will email a copy to Parish Council when he receives it.
Stage Curtains - PS advised that the new curtains are in place but are 2 inches short. As the supplier measured them, it is their responsibility to put things right. PS hopes this will be done before the drama performance in November. The £10 fee towards curtain contingency fund has been added to Hall booking form for anyone who wants to use the stage.
Skatepark – DA emailed to say that they are continuing to fundraise and are organising a consultation session (in the Hall from 2-4pm on 9/10/11).
Boundary – ongoing.
Pre-School Outdoor Play Area KB advised that Pre-School have received a grant from SGC for £2000. They need to either fundraise the £1000 shortfall or find out if they can get the work done cheaper.
Payphone – AS sending it back as it cannot be programmed.
New Kitchen – Tiles cannot be matched as they are an old style. AS trying to source something suitable. Dishwasher is working. Instructions for use to be put beside it.
October Event – See attached Planning Sheet.
Bar EventsMB organising staff for forthcoming functions.

Wish list (Pending)
These are items which will be put on hold until funds are available:
New Kitchen; Bench for Playground; Stage Curtain Tabs & Lighting
4. Treasurer’s Report
This was distributed at the meeting. Parish Magazine donated £200 to be used for Playground improvements. MB to do thank you letter. £25 donated from Show Committee.

5. Emergency Lighting/Fire Bells/Extinguishers & Meter Readings
Emergency checks all carried out by TG – all OK.

supplied readings: Electricity 238733; Water 902/463 Oil 3’7”

6. Playground Check
No report this month. Sunday 2/10/11 set as provisional date for volunteers to meet at 11am and carry out maintenance/repairs on Playground equipment. CR will email to confirm. KB suggested using school text service to ask for helpers and advise that Playground will be close that day.

7. Correspondence
Email from Sue Hope regarding Drama Group grant application for lighting. This has now been processed and we think some money was awarded.

MB had query about TV Licence for Hall. He has dealt with this – no problems.

8. Any Other Business
asked again if we could quote a price for sleepovers for Brownies/Guides. It was agreed that we would charge £100 for overnight use of the Hall (late afternoon until mid morning the following day). This to be reviewed as necessary.

HR asked for her steam cleaner to be returned. CR thanked her for letting us use it and also thanked everyone who helped clean the chairs.

TG reported that the heating controls have been adjusted and left on 24 hr setting. It is thought that Pre-school are responsible and KB said she would tell them to contact TG if they need heating adjusted rather than try to do it themselves. TG asked if door could be kept locked in future but it was felt that this is impractical. CR asked if instructions could be printed and displayed once the timer was set for winter to enable Hall Users to have extra heat if required.

9. Date of next meeting

The date of the next meeting will be
Monday 10 October at 7.45pm in the Village Hall.

There being no further business the meeting was closed at 8.40pm.

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