- Hawkesbury Upton Village Hall - Hire for Weddings, Parties, Stage for Live music

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Minutes of Meeting
Held on Monday 8 th April 2013

            Angelo Sauro    Fiona Steeds    Martin Horner    Pat Sherry     Pete & Sue Webb
            Kate Bashford    Neil Fozard       Dave Anderson    Kath Harkness     Sam Allen    
            Hilary Rogers           

1. Apologies
Apologies were received from Chris Rispin,  Bryan Robinson, Sue Hope, Louise Roberts, Jane Stanbridge and Lorraine Rutter.

2. Previous Minutes
The Minutes of the previous meeting were signed as a true statement.

3. Matters Arising
Bank Documents –
Trees – these have been cut.
Wall – ongoing.
Ukelele Event – they will have use of the Cricket Club car park.  Bar staff may be needed – AS to sort.  SA advised that the Writer’s Group have kindly offered to pay for the eggs, bacon etc for the Breakfast on Sunday.  AS thanked her.  We will cater for 100.  8am start –  several Committee members offered to help out.  Anyone who can come and help for all or part of the session would be appreciated.  KB will ask school to advertise event via their text alerts.
Air Ambulance Recycling Bin –  now in the correct place.
Rolling of Field – the roller needs to be moved. DA offered to get rugby dads to do this later in the month.
Hall Floor –  AS reported that this is currently being dried out but will take up to 4 weeks and Insurance should cover cost.  However because we did not report the incident as soon as it happened our claim may be affected if the floor needs to be replaced. AS is getting help to make a strong claim to the loss adjuster.
Hall Website – ongoing.  AS would like feedback on the updates.

4. Parish Council Report
No report as BR was attending Parish Council meeting.

5. Skatepark Sub-Committee
Official opening has been postponed until June to allow the ground to dry out a bit more.  Contractors will be doing some groundwork over the weekend. Following complaints about behaviour PCSO will call by periodically.  
DA also advised that they will now have their AGM following the opening as they hope to persuade parents attending the event to get involved in the Committee.
6. Grants Sub-Committee
emailed that Capital grants are now available up to £3,000.   AS suggested repairing grid area on rec.  PS asked if compost area could be concreted in anticipation of increased usage.  NF suggested replacement boiler and asked if we could make two applications.  Quotes needed.  KB to look at application form.

These are items which will be put on hold until funds are available:
Resurface Car Park; New Kitchen; Stage Curtain Tabs; New Wall; New Grid & Soakaway

7. Treasurer’s Report
reported that bank balance is healthy but we need to contain costs where possible. He will email report.  

8. Emergency Lighting/Fire Bells/Extinguishers & Meter Readings
carried out checks.  Repairs have been done.  Light above front door is faulty.
AS did meter readings:  Electricity 256235;   Oil  24" ;   Water
Concern that drying out of hall floor will use a lot of electricity.

9. Correspondence

10. Any Other Business

advised that SH thinks we need to check if our auditor needs specific qualifications.  AS will speak to Helen Black for advice.

KB did analysis of hire costs for other Halls.  This document is attached.

KB gave RoSPA report to FS to file.  DA has asked them to add Skatepark to be inspected.

PW reported that the front door was open when Buffs arrived last week.

SA asked if she could be involved in Grants Sub-Committee as she has information which could be helpful.  This was welcomed.

8. Date of next meeting

The date of the next meeting will be Monday 13 th May 2013 at 7.45pm.

There being no further business the meeting was closed at 9.00pm.

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