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CIO Trustees > 2024 Minutes
Village Hall Committee Meeting – 5th August 2024
·       Apologies for Absence (Fiona)
·       Minutes of Previous Meeting (Fiona)
·       Issues arising/Decisions/Approvals
·     Solar 2 – tender process/supplier selection (Andrew/Angelo)
·     Cricket Club CIL application for marquee – Hall input to PC (Sue)
·     Emergency access from recreational field (Andrew/Vicky)
·     Dogs on the recreational field wrt grass cutting issues (Andrew/Sue)
·     De-stratification fans – update (Angelo)
·       Policy Review (updates for approval circulated prior to meeting)
·       None at this meeting
·       Strategic Plan Activities
·       None at this meeting
·       Section 106 funds
·       Multi Use Games Area & Natural/wildlife open space – update (Andrew/Kate)
·       Hall Operations Status
·       Cleaner update (Kate)
·       Tractor run donation for Playpark (Andrew)
·       New carpark donations box (Alan/Angelo)
·       Bookings & events update (Jackie)
·       Booking updates/info  (Jackie)
·       2024 Fund raising events/bookings calendar (Andrew)
·       Hall Committee fund-raising events – Sept & Dec (Angelo/Neil/Kate)
·       Monthly Reports (issued in advance - arisings only)
·     Finance (Bill)
·     Health & Safety (Andrew)
·       Fire door review – short term actions (Andrew/Angelo)
·       Playpark annual report and actions (RYNAT)
·     Monthly checks register (Angelo)
·       Parish Council feedback (Katie)
·       Correspondence & Publicity (Fiona & Hannah)
·       AOB (All)
 Date of Next Meeting:  9th September at 19.45

Minutes of Committee Meeting 
Monday 5th August 2024                                                                    
Andrew Webb, Neil Fozard, Vicky Rispin,  Fiona Steeds, Jackie Sandy,  Sue Hope,      Kate Bashford, Alan Charlesworth, , Bill Cullen, Angelo Sauro, Katie Griffin
Mandy Clark, Jane Stanbridge, Sally Roberts, Hannah Herod
The Minutes of the June 2024 Meeting were agreed as a true record.
Solar 2 – Tender Process/Supplier Selection
Following the awarding of a £38,000 grant, an advert was put on our website inviting offers to tender for the work.  Only one application was received and it was from Sunlight who had installed the first bank of solar panels.  They meet the spec and came in on budget.  Andrew/Angelo recommended that we award them the contract and this was approved by the Committee.  They should be able to start work in September.  Two EV Charging Points are included which will go at the High Street end of the building.  This will be managed by a Company who charge a 10% service fee.  There is also the possibility in future for a total power outage  backup capability whereby if power was lost throughout the village the Hall solar batteries would continue to provide electricity to keep the Hall open, but this will be at extra cost.  It was considered that this may provide an essential community space in which people could congregate in the event of such an issue. We may be able to apply for further grant aid for this, or potentially CIL funding given the community benefit it would provide.
Cricket Club Application for Marquee
The Cricket Club have asked for £11,500 of CIL money to purchase a Marquee which they will rent out.  Katie advised that the Parish Council were not completely convinced that the application had been thought through in terms of Insurance, Storage and Maintenance.  They have asked the Cricket Club to come back with a detailed application.  Andrew asked if we could be kept informed and allowed to have some input, as this potentially afffects the Hall as a venue for functions, or possibility the opportunity to use the marquee if it is part public funded, but we would need to understand the conditions of use.
Emergency Access
Vicky has had to complete an Event Notification for SGC for Show Day.  The Council have said that they are concerned that there is only one access point to the Rec and have asked the Show Committee to find another point of egress in case of emergency.  The only possible areas adjoin Sally’s property and Vicky will speak to her to ask if it would be possible to set up a temporary access to her field on Show Day only in case they need to evacuate the Rec.
Dogs on the Rec/Grass Cutting
There is a problem with dog waste being left in the area of Rec where strimming is necesssary and understandably the Contractor does not want to have to deal with this. Katie has agreed to monitor the area and assess the level of the problem.  Sue to ask Adam when he is due to strim prior to Show Day and our Maintenance Team will clear the area so that he can safely strim it.  The Show Committee also need to know as they want to mark out the area with chalk for siting of Carnival vehicles.  Vicky to prepare an article for the Parish Mag and send copy to Hannah for Social media regarding dog mess.  Kate offered to buy some poo bags and leave them at the gate to the Rec to encourage people to use them.
Destratification Fans
No update.
None at this meeting.
None at this meeting.
MUGA and Natural/Wildlife Space
Andrew has approached several companies for quotes, but only one has responded.  He is awaiting further information.  Wildlife Area – discussions ongoing. It was noted that any nature area will not impeded on the rec field as currently laid out.
Kate has arranged for the school cleaner to act as cover for when Ange is away.
Tractor Run
We received a donation of £2000 from Sunday’s Tractor Run for the Play Area.  Some money was paid in on iZettle and Andrew will check if this should be refunded (ie part of the total £2000). The funds have been partly used to purchase the 3 new picnic benches which are proving very popular.  Fiona to send thank you letter.
New Car Park Donation Box
Alan has sourced a “Pay Here” sign which will fit over the current box and draw attention to it.  Neil felt that a stronger padlock is required and Alan will purchase that along with the sign, and re-paint the box to make it more visible.
Booking Updates/Info
Jackie has had several bookings for Children’s parties.  There is also a booking for a sewing class in the upstairs room.
2024 Fundraising events/Bookings Calendar
Andrew is concerned that we need to organise a Hall fundraising event which will include the Bar as we are down on the number of large events from last year, with very few private parties from village residents and no weddings or christenings.  It was agreed that the Committee should come up with ideas for possible types of event and discuss next month. Please can all committee members consider this and provide inputs either ahead of, or at September’s meeting. Proposed date is in October.
Neil is still liaising with Peter Setterfield  who is proposing a talk from Hobbs Bakery on Bread.  The Committee felt that this would have to be combined with a Wine Tasting and perhaps Cheese to make it a viable fundraiser. Neil will keep us updated and will need support from the Committee going forward.
Bill presented last month’s account in a revised format and gave a presentation of how the new Reports will look.  There will be 3 distinct funds identified: Operational, Reserved Funds (investment/development) and Restricted Funds (Playpark) in line with our finance policy. Each area will have a breakdown of income/expenditure which will give more detail than before.
Health & Safety
Fire Door Review – there is still confusion as to which doors should be actual Fire Doors and how we manage this with kitchen access and the serving hatch.  Andrew will find out if ACRE have a contact for getting a fire assessment/survey done.
Playpark Annual Report (RYNAT)
Angelo has not received the Report yet and will follow up.
Monthly Checks
Angelo to liaise with the Rispins regarding rotting fence posts adjoining their property.
The Hopscotch area in the Playpark needs a repair.  Andrew suggested we get the contractor to sort it which will take pressure off the Maintenance Team who already have a lot to do.
Sue reported that landowners on France Lane have put forward their land for potential new Housing as part of  a “call for land” from the Council (not Hall business)
No correspondence. 
Bill  said that Anna O’Brien has agreed to check the Accounts again this year.
Vicky asked if the Electrical Box on the Rec is regularly checked.  Angelo confirmed that this is done within the mandatory requirements.
There being no further business, the meeting was closed at 9.55pm.
Date of next meeting: Monday 9th September 2024 at 19.45

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