Jun 24 - Hawkesbury Upton Village Hall - Hire for Weddings, Parties, Stage for Live music

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CIO Trustees > 2024 Minutes
Village Hall Committee Meeting – 10th June 2024
·       Apologies for Absence (Fiona)
·       Minutes of Previous Meeting (Fiona)
·       Decisions, Approvals, Committee Ratifications (proposals circulated prior to meeting)
·     Conclusions of Playpark incident (all)
·       Policy Review (updates for approval circulated prior to meeting)
·       None at this meeting
·       Strategic Plan Activities
·       New Solar 2 Project - planning & tendering updates (Kate/Andrew)
·       Section 106 funds
·       Multi Use Games Area & Natural/wildlife open space – update (Andrew/Kate)
·       Hall Operations Status (Kate)  
·       Playpark maintenance actions - update (Alan) (swing paint, picnic bench, twister dots)
·       Bookings & events update (Jackie)
·       Booking updates/info  (Jackie)
·       2024 Fund raising events/bookings calendar (Andrew)
·       Hall Committee fund-raising events – Sept & Dec (Angelo/Neil)
·       Monthly Reports (issued in advance - arisings only)
·     Finance (Bill)
·     Health & Safety (Andrew)
·       Fire door review – Fire Service input (Sally)
·     Monthly checks register (Angelo)
·       Parish Council feedback (Katie)
·       Rec grass cutting issues (Katie)
·       Correspondence & Publicity (Fiona & Hannah)
·       AOB (All)
 Date of Next Meeting:  TBD

Minutes of Committee Meeting 
Monday 10th June 2024                                                                    
Andrew Webb, Neil Fozard, Vicky Rispin, Hilary Rogers, Fiona Steeds, Jackie Sandy, Sally Roberts, Sue Hope, Kate Bashford, Alan Charlesworth, Hannah Herod,
Katie Griffin
Mandy Clark, Jane Stanbridge, Bill Cullen, Angelo Sauro
The Minutes of the April 2024 Meeting were agreed as a true record.
Conclusions of Playpark Incident
Andrew thanked Kate for dealing with the situation so quickly and effectively. A professional cleaning service was essential and quickly arranged. Communication of the status and updates for re-opening were very effective across both our own and the village FB sites and were very well received. The incident was reported to the Police who undertook an investigation.  We were asked if we wanted the Police to impose a banning order on those concerned.  However, it was felt that this was not necessary and would possibly have negative repercussions on the children involved.  The Committee thanked Andrew and Kate for resolving the situation and to Bill for making an Insurance claim which has paid out the £960 cleaning costs (minus our £100 policy excess).  The organisers of the local charity Tractor Run have advised us that they will donate the proceeds of the next run to the Playpark for which we are very grateful.
None at this meeting.
New Solar 2 Project
Kate has followed up on Planning permission and this is not required for the installation.  A formal tendering process will be required as the grant is for £39k. Andrew will prepare this in line with the guidelines and he and Angelo will put it on our website.
MUGA and Natural/Wildlife Space
Andrew is finding it difficult to get  MUGA contractors to reply to his enquiries. Sue felt that we should ask young people what they want from the MUGA space before contacting suppliers.  However Andrew thinks we need to know what is available within our budget before promising something we may not be able to deliver. He will continue to pursue other contractors in order to establish an approximate cost. Once this is known then engagement can take place. Jackie suggested Paddle Tennis but we thought this may clash with Tennis Club.
Andrew & Kate met with Sally Pattinson from SGC and walked round the Rec discussing potential Wildlife/Natural space ideas. Vicky was concerned about keeping open space for Show Marquee and Andrew assured her that this will be taken into consideration and we have agreed to produce a full topographical survey of the field to assist in these discussions.  Ongoing maintenance will be an issue and it may be possible to arrange for a local Wildlife Trust to do this but there will be associated costs.
Playpark Maintenance
Alan has stripped the paint from the swings and as soon as weather permits the maintenance team will re-paint them.  The “Twister Dots” which were requested will be sited asap.  Alan has sourced heavy duty picnic benches from a company called Marmax who make benches from recycled plastic materials and come in rainbow colours.  They have quoted £1500 for 3 benches (including delivery).  The Committee approved this purchase and Alan will organise it.
Booking Updates/Info
Jackie said that we will be paid £250 for use of the Hall on Election Day. Jackie will arrange opening and closing up.
Jackie has had a few booking enquiries but after initial contact people are not coming back to us.
2024 Fundraising events/Bookings Calendar
Neil is liaising with Peter Setterfield and the Wine Tasting evening with FOSM in December is progressing.  They have been speaking to Hobbs Bakery. Neil will keep us updated.
Andrew thinks it is important that we book a music event for September and Angelo to follow up with Sally Bleaken on this.  Neil also had a suggestion for a band.  Vicky wondered if PTA might be interested in doing this as a joint fundraiser.  Kate to follow up.
Bill’s Report had been distributed and was discussed.  The Insurance Claim money has now been received.  We have already received £9.5k of the Solar grant. Neil collected £124.57 from parking box today and we have received £72.00 online.  Andrew suggested we get a bigger, more robust box which may be able to be emptied from inside the Hall.  Alan/Angelo to look into this.
Health & Safety
Fire Door Review – Sally has contacted the Fire Service for advice but is still awaiting a reply.
Monthly Checks
Angelo to liaise with the Rispins regarding rotting fence posts adjoining their property.
Sue asked how often we are emptying the bins on the Rec. Alan replied that this has been increased to weekly but this is quite onerous, given the amount of dog waste there is.  Vicky to put out an appeal in Parish Magazine to dog owners asking them to volunteer on the rota.
Katie reported that the Contractor who cuts the grass has complained that the condition of the Rec is making it impossible for him to maintain certain areas.  There are ruts and bits of wood which are potentially damaging to his machinery.  The Committee asked that he continue to do the maintenance where he can and we will take responsibility for the other area, particularly before the Show.  In the autumn we will endeavour to return the problem area to a level surface.
No correspondence. 
In Jane’s absence Vicky is taking over the entry for the Parish Magazine and Hannah will cover social media.
Katie advised that she had come across a Camper Van parked up overnight and asked the occupants to move on.
There being no further business, the meeting was closed at 9.40pm
Date of next meeting:
Monday 5th August (please note this is the first Monday in the month)


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